adj: neo-modern, I.e. post 9/11
Space-age would be a great adjective to describe modern idotagers in north America and their notions of nationalism and patriotism
The Christian afterlife, when lions can be petted by humans while sitting next to a lamb, without fear of getting mauled. Since humans are of the animal kingdom, they will behave good too.
In the age of well-behaving animals, no strain of bacteria would not make us sick, and elephants wouldn't trample children.
In the age of well-behaving animals, no one would bother going to war or steal from someone.
The period starting around the late 2000s and ending with the Trump presidency. Evoking the Gilded Age, the term underscores the rampant tech idealism of the time, which ushered in drone warfare, platform capitalism, Amazon and the retailocalypse, and the
collection and sale of individuals' data (often with their assistance such as with the Ring scandal). Also of note: The paradoxical normalization/ encouragement of narcissistic behavior and the death of privacy (and thus certain modes of self-determination); the rise of a cyborgian mystical-scientific-sycretic wellness culture alongside inflated healthcare costs; the replacement of social movements with personal reckonings and managing your brand; echo chambers; the favoring of creative production that is archival or highly reflexive / referential; endless navel-gazey commentary.
"After the protests started, Chad sent me $5 on venmo bc white fragility?? I called him out and now he's in a shame spiral that helps nobody."
"God, we need to get out of the Mirrored Age."
when you still suck your thumb at an old age such as 5-11
me: I suck my thumb. Them: oh so u have a thumb sucking at an old age me: yes
To look so amazing in the jeans your wife got you that she wants to take advantage of you and your cute bubble but.
Wow he must be christmas aging, cause they left a while ago and havent been back to the party yet.