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Weiner Hole

(noun); the slit found in traditional "tighty whitey" men's underwear, utilized to allow the penis to be released for urination. SYN: Weiner Slot

"I wear bikini briefs -- the kind that don't have a weiner hole."

"Weiner holes in men's underwear have gone the way of zoot suits."

"I pull down my briefs when I pee; I never use the weiner hole."

by Andru J. November 17, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

glory hole

a hole between cubicals in a public restroom or a kinky underground sex dungeon.

robert:i give a guy some pleasure today though 1 of the glory holes in town.

tim:yea i got a blowjob from one of them

robert+tim:UH OH

by antony davies July 7, 2005

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ring hole

A Chicago Gay bar that existed in the early 70's. This bar encouraged rim ridding*, shaft mastering, and ball burying in the alley behind the bar usually after 2am.

Though a gay bar and rather annoying for hetero's in the area they had some pretty fuckin good chicken wings that were basted with a creamy dill sauce, or so they said.

Stephis - Hey you up for a little "Ring Hole" tonight?

Lance - "I'm outta there at 1:30 though."

Stephis - "I'm staying til three at least...they said they wanted to see if I could push bricks tonight"

Lance - "Your fuckin' gay"

Stephis - "No Shit"

by dangchicago April 17, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

sink hole

a large or lose vagina that has been streched out from doing it so much

damn mary has such a sink hole

u did her to?

by goglymogly April 21, 2008

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bone hole

a word generally slang for vagina, but can be any hole on someone a dick can go in.

your average lady has 7 bone holes. a vagina, an ass whole, a mouth, two ears, and two nostrils. the last two are for those with smaller dicks, because anything wider than about 1/4 of an inch won't fit.

it is also possible for a bone hole to be an abnormal hole in the body, such as a hole in the neck that smokers get from throat cancer.

if a dick will fit, its a bone hole.

generally, bone holes are only referring to the holes dicks most often penetrate,

Your dick is so small you can use all 7 bone holes.

by J-Birdd November 6, 2008

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Gas Hole

An annoying, rude, aggravating person at a gas station that is bothering you with stupid questions, outspoken comments, trying to rely on you for help such as help with unscrewing there gas cap, figuring out the gas pump, or in your way when you want to use a gas pump or leaving the gas station.

I was at the gas station getting gas when all of a sudden this gas hole was making my time very difficult, bothering and wasting my time asking me how to use the gas pump and why it wont take his credit card.

by The Crentist November 25, 2007

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Snappy Hole

Basically an asshole.

Rapist: "Don't make me put my cock into your Snappy Hole!"

by SnappyHole lover June 8, 2017