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Mark Hayton

The most vibing member of the band One Night Only. He plays guitar and has great hair. He also plays Words With Friends, which he is really good at.

Girl 1:Hey did you see that Mark Hayton from ONO
Girl 2: Yeah he tups!

by aloch April 20, 2011

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Sarc Mark

Way of being very sarcastic online through punctuation for aiding those who are inept at understanding it.

Person 1: I like being taxed by the government.~
Person 2: Nice use of the the Sarc Mark, man.~

by EnglishLangstudent January 15, 2010

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A positive comment done by a man named Mark.

Mark: "Hey Nate, the aisle is not blocked. Nice job buddy."
Nate: "Thanks for the re-mark

by BALZ2DWALZ May 8, 2018

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marky mark

A phrase used to describe Someone of little or no muscle mass (a whimp). Many African American (dark skinned Americans) used the term mark until mark wahlberg became a music icon and called himself "marky mark"

Even though the term is a oxy moran because it is the name of a white male with muscle mass. However blacks started using the term because its "cool".. nigga.

Jamal: Ey yo nigga look at this mark ass marky mark mo fucka over Der.

Rasheed: Yah nigga I see him. That's yo reflection in the mirror you skinny, slanky ass lookin nigga. You fuckin marky mark.

by darkmark December 8, 2013

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uncle Mark

A math professor who has the odd delusion that he has any chance of winning me at backgammon!!

I rock at backgammon, i cant believe UNCLE MARK thinks he can win!

by you can just call me master! January 10, 2012

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Mark Skaife

A Kik Ass Holden V8Supercar Driver from Australia. His nickname is Skaifey. V8supercars is a major sport in Australia. Its were approximately 35 drivers meet 13 times (rounds) a year to compete for the v8supercar championship. Every round consists of anywhere from 1 to 3 races. The driver who places the highest in the races, becomes the round winner. The driver who wins the most rounds becomes Championship Winner. Mark Skaife has won this championship numerous times. The only cars allowed to be used for this championship are Holdens and Fords. They have a V8 engine in them, which the teams are allowed to modify for greater performance

Mark skaife kicked ass on the weekend!!!

by NOYFB June 10, 2006

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Mark Jackson

An awkward action done at the end of a date. Usually associated with a fist pump or a high five. The action is totally unexpected to the receiver of the mark jackson, and comes natural to the person doing it. The person giving the mark jackson is blissfully unaware of the action, and as a result has no idea that the action resulted in a total loss of social respect from the person's peers.

John: Did you hear what happened at the end of Heather's date?
Connor: No, did she kiss him? It was only the first date
John: Dude she told me that he said good bye and gave her a fist pump!
Connor: Oh man she just got Mark Jacksoned!!!

by Jate77q August 23, 2010

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