Source Code

Vagina Cork

A penis

As I pointed to my penis, I said,"I'm gonna stick her with my vagina cork".

by Ratoneous Craig February 15, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vagina Mouth

A person who has had all of the teeth extracted from their skull and may or may not wear dentures. The term comes from the resemblance of a toothless mouth to the human vagina.

After years of neglect and drug use he finally had to become a vagina mouth.

by VitoVane November 12, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

vagina leech

(n) Male who incessantly pops his pastel polo collars, talks up his game, acts like a jerk-off, and leeches the freshman vag. Often a fraternity related disorder.

Man, that frat boy sure is a vagina leech, he picked up 3 chicks this weekend!

by rd7 March 2, 2005

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fornicating vagina

A politicly correct statement for a 'fucking cunt'.

"What a fornicating vagina".

by Just meee January 22, 2009

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sour vagina

The false denial of desire for something sought but not acquired; to denigrate and feign disdain for the vagina which one could not attain.

Source: A tiger named Pepsei

Read my lips you infected pus-dribbling sour vagina: you are just jealous RossMAN's getting all that young, hot & dumb poon with minimal effort. His sexual prowess makes you feel like an inadequate and sad masturbating bear.

by theprodigalrebel October 11, 2007

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Taco Vagina

The female form of a chode. A vagina that is wider than it is long is a taco vagina

That bitch had such a taco vagina that it looked like it was smiling at me.

by In honor of Erik May 9, 2003

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Sandy Vagina

A really bitchy person, is very irritable and cranky.

Me: oh my god, we gotta get that sand out of your vagina its making you cranky, does it itch?
Dont mind him everyone, ehs got sandy vagina

by Alex Papa February 19, 2008

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