A complete bee sucker nobody likes her because she is in too beeporn
using a playlist to measure time.
instead of using a watch i just use my ipod's playlist because i know each song is 2:00 long and that would mean i need enough of those songs to fill 30 minutes.
"ugh i need to go for a jog."
"go and get your watch."
"but i don't have one."
"okay go and use the good o'l playlist watch."
"thanks dad!"
When two males get together on a friday night to suck each others private areas but dont want anyone to know thats what theyre going to do
Friend 1 : “Hey im gonna get together with Joe and watch a cool kung fu movie!” Other friend(s): “Oh that’s hecka cool! Can I come?” Friend 1: “Nah. Just gonna be us two! Maybe next time.”
This basically means that your best friend is fucking the living shit out of your Ex. But hey, ask him how your dick taste.
We were just watching a shark movie... nothing else happened.
A black square watch. Digital and vintage. Very attractive.
A masc man or woman wearing a sexy man watch is irresistible to any woman or gay man
What a broke ass nigga uses as an excuse when asked about his money.
Brokie: I'm more richer then you
Another Person: How much money do you got?
Brokie: Stop Pocket Watching, Thats how I know your broke
When a retard does something stupid for no reason, and you start to awkwardly watch.
The kid stood up in class and began to furiously hump his chair, as I began awkward retard watching.