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Bee Watching Maia

A complete bee sucker nobody likes her because she is in too beeporn

Look it's a Bee Watching Maia

by Cumberdoodel May 5, 2020

playlist watch

using a playlist to measure time.

instead of using a watch i just use my ipod's playlist because i know each song is 2:00 long and that would mean i need enough of those songs to fill 30 minutes.

"ugh i need to go for a jog."
"go and get your watch."
"but i don't have one."
"okay go and use the good o'l playlist watch."
"thanks dad!"

by egyptiantigress April 6, 2014

Watch a cool Kung fu movie

When two males get together on a friday night to suck each others private areas but dont want anyone to know thats what theyre going to do

Friend 1 : “Hey im gonna get together with Joe and watch a cool kung fu movie!” Other friend(s): “Oh that’s hecka cool! Can I come?” Friend 1: “Nah. Just gonna be us two! Maybe next time.”

by Lizzielou December 8, 2023

Watching a Shark movie

This basically means that your best friend is fucking the living shit out of your Ex. But hey, ask him how your dick taste.

We were just watching a shark movie... nothing else happened.

by Binferg August 1, 2017

Sexy Man Watch

A black square watch. Digital and vintage. Very attractive.

A masc man or woman wearing a sexy man watch is irresistible to any woman or gay man

by Bad Wolf&The Cock Sluts November 10, 2022

Pocket Watching

What a broke ass nigga uses as an excuse when asked about his money.

Brokie: I'm more richer then you
Another Person: How much money do you got?
Brokie: Stop Pocket Watching, Thats how I know your broke

by giganiggaoncord August 12, 2023

retard watching

When a retard does something stupid for no reason, and you start to awkwardly watch.

The kid stood up in class and began to furiously hump his chair, as I began awkward retard watching.

by Markimoo777 May 8, 2016