Someone who pulls an insane amount of bitches. Usually also has a ginormous dick and knows how to use it very well.
This segsy mothafocka is a hung and valuable asset in your life. Often a good carpenter and extremely honest friend he will sometimes risk offending people or being misunderstood in order to achieve truth.
Owen is amazing, he has changed my life entirely
The sexiest man in the world. He is short with brown hair and has so much clout. He gets girls. He gets girls named Charlotte 100% of the time. He is very good in school and sports.
He’s such an Owen
Owen is the type of guy to have many friends but only see some of his friends. He is the type of guy to drink vodka and all kinds of drinks. He also like to impress the girls. He's a very loving person. once you have fell in love with an Owen its hard to get over him. He is funny at times but can also be annoying at times. Owens normally have blond hair and blue eyes and have glasses. Trust me when you find an Owen don't let him leave. Don't start arguments with him because he always wins. Owen also loves his food.
#girl 1: Oof he's fit.
#girl 2: i know right he must be an Owen.
Sometimes he can be bitchy to others but most of the time he's a pretty sweet guy. Everyone thinks he's hot and he is usually tall, sporty, and blonde. He sticks up for his friends no matter what and would do anything for his girlfriend. He can sometimes be annoying or rude or even completely obnoxious but he's always there for you. Owen never shares anything personal and can keep important secrets. He has a lot of friends and sometimes loses track of what matters most but he's always got your back😊
Awwww..... did you see what Owen got for his girlfriend on Valentine's day
Owen is a great guy. Owens are very emotional guys, but that’s great because every girl loves a guy that can tell you how he’s feeling. Owen has the best smile ever when you look at it you fall in love right away. Owens are have this sparkle that no one else’s eyes have. Owen is special a good special. Owen is so caring, that if your a good friend of his or his gf he will defend you. Say if someone called his gf a slut he would be right there to beat his ass. Owens are very sexy with everything they do. Owen gives the greatest hugs like you’ll melt when he gives you it. I have yet to have kissed an owen but I’m sure it will be great. Owen is amazing and he only need true friends who won’t talk shit. Because you know owen will kick their ass!
Girl:Omg look it’s Owen!
Boy:ugh owen he’s so great!
Girl:I know right I love owen!