A derisive adjective used to describe a person who thinks they are in line with the counterculture movement but put their nose up at things that are different from their expectations. They are nice and friendly but not particularly interesting or interested in new ideas. Like dogs, they simply enjoy being part of a pack.
Shelly: "I am really into a guy with serious ance."
Gabby: "omg you are so weird"
and Shelly replied "well you're a norm-dog."
when your dog gets transformed into a hog
after the term "your family tree is lgbt"
this is a term that should not be used lightly
it is more powerful than "your cat is fat"
David: '"Your mom gay lol"
John: " Your dad lesbian"
David: "No u"
John : " Your granny tranny"
David: "your grandpap is a trap"
John: "No u lol"
David: "don't make me say it" "your family tree is lgbt
John: * welp* "I guess your dog is a hog"
* all thicc bois reunite and create a universe*
*david gets placed in it*
use this phrase when your friend says that they can do it when they can't.
example: Friend: i will be rich tomorrow! the next day, not rich. you: i told you dog!