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Pulling A Havener

Pulling a Havener is when you date someone younger then yourself. "Havener" is named after a kid named Nick Havener. Pronouced Hay-Ven-Er.

Girl: He's like in 9th grade and she's in 7th?
Guy: Yeah.
Nearby Bystanders: He's Pulling a Havener!
Guy: She's really pretty and sweet.
Guy 2: Yeah and she's also in a grade below you don't Pull A Havener.

by wellilikepurplethings July 27, 2010

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To pull a Mediatonic on someone

If someone is asking another person for feedback/advice and then goes ahead and ignores it or even does the opposite.

Person 1: What can I do better in our relationship?

Person 2: You could be more respectful to me!

Person 1: *continues to disrespect person 2*

Person 2: Dude, are you pulling a mediatonic on me again? (To pull a Mediatonic on someone)

by Flaming Ape October 20, 2021

Pulling a Dalley

When you complain about your age even though you’re not old

“I just turned 27! I am so so old.”
“Stop pulling a Dalley.”

by RavenInTheNight February 22, 2018

Pull a Danni

To seduce the bartender in the hotel that you are staying in, and to fuck them in said hotel room.

In generic form, can be used to summarize any slutty act, of which the one performing aforementioned acts, has no regrets.

I got so drunk at the trade show, I tried to pull a Danni.
Any luck?

by Swagamus July 28, 2016

Pull a coppock

When person A screws over person B. Normally resulting in financial loss.

"I can lend you £20, dont you pull a coppock on me"
"He hasn't paid me back my £20, hes pulling a coppock on me"

by The.Bear.123 September 11, 2020

Pulling a Ron

Insulting someone's mom to the point of the ultimate retailiation.

Pulling a ron could be hazardous to your health.

by Shawn R. June 28, 2007

Pulling a Ron

Leaving your coworkers and moving to another state to be with your girlfriend.

You better not be pulling a Ron and going to Indiana!”

by Superboy001 October 24, 2023