Galaxy Ninja is the leader of the Ninja Crew. She is an absolute badass but is kind and caring to those she trusts. She is intelligent and sometimes intimidating. But you get to know her, you start to find she is a funny and caring. She carries two katanas on her back at all times and wears a galaxy mask. G.N for short.
”Hey look, it's G.N!”
”Watch out dude, Galaxy Ninja can be really scary!”
1. In modern First Person Shooters, these are the players that find the highest spot in the map or some inconspicuous place on a ledge until they time it just right to attack.
Then, they proceed to camp in that spot again until the next victim. They rarely leave that place because they have deemed it the most advantageous spot to camp, hardest to reach to counter-attack, etc.
(often a glitched spot in CoD or a place worthy of expert UT trial runners)
Any game of Call of Duty, BF2, Unreal Tournament.
"Zomg will someone kill that roof ninja. He is a no talent ass clown who sucks at camping."
The act of silently masturbating while in the same bed as your significant other, likely while they are asleep.
My girl didn't want to give me head during her period week, so I had to pull off the ninja beat several times.
A roommate who steals your food in the fridge behind your back. They do it in a sneaky way by figuring out your schedule and stealing tiny portions when you’re at school/work.
“Dude I think Joe might be a ninja vulture.”
“Yeah that explains why my mashed taters keeps disappearing!”
A man so gay that he can run across a basketball court wearing clogs and not make a sound.
Clog Ninja
When you do something you know you're not supposed to do (whether it's good or not so good) or when you do something that other people (like your parents) don't want you to do.
Well...sneaking out to Caid's party at 11 p.m. was a real ninja mission.
A ninja who utalizes a sword in the art of combat.
Some Ninja: "what kind of ninja uses a sword... I'll tell you what kind of ninja a bitch ninja"
Samurai: "Actually I'm a samurai "
Some Ninja: "That's a funny way of saying bitch ninja"