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a very bipolar lesbian

nicole: wow im so bipolar and i love scissoring

by ghost kisser December 30, 2025


mid. definitely the lesser cool best friend. she’s pretty and has nice eyes and i love her but she’s so mid. great personality, mid person.

she’s cool but she’s so mid
yeah, must be a nicole

by juxtaposition487 November 22, 2021


A Nicole is someone you will meet a few times in life, but I’ve lived 30+ years and recently met my first Nicole. This Nicole completely turned my world around. She is THE friend you want to have in your corner. Some traits that describe her are loyal, lazy, strong, insecure, beautiful, funny, and super intelligent. You want to tell her things that you’ve never shared with another soul and she will absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You want to share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell her about it, thinking she will share in your excitement. She isn’t embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never does she hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather she builds you up and shows you the things about yourself that make you special. This is the Nicole I know.

Boy: I poured my heart out to a girl I met online and I feel excited to tell her more!
Girl: Was her name Nicole?

by newyrkcheesecke November 25, 2021


sexiest girls on the entire planet. if u meet a nicole be grateful that u were ever lucky enough to meet someone so sexy. nicole is sexier than u, sexier than all ur friends, sexier than anyone you've ever met. nicole is a queen. bow down to nicole. nicole supremacy.

"What's your name"
"Should've known cuz ur so sexy"

by tacolover52 March 2, 2021

1👍 1👎


Nicole is the most kind, caring and thoughtful person you'll ever meet. She has a heart of gold and often goes out of her way to make sure she can make others are as happy as they could possibly be. Nicole is a wonderful person that has the ability to light up a room with a single smile. And though she often tries to hide it behind a black cat façade, Nicole is a big soft bunny on the inside.

"Wow, that Nicole is really an amazing person"

by The Vimster August 21, 2023


The best person alive always there for you best personality perfect in every way and smart at every thing <3

Nicole is the best

by M. Guppy August 7, 2022


Nicole is a beautiful woman. She is extremely funny, talented, smart, pretty, and caring. No matter what, she always makes my day, although she can get on your nerves sometimes. However, Nicole is the best person you can ever meet. She will make you feel comfortable around her, so you can be weird with her too. She is extremely caring and is so sweet (only if she wants to be). Nicole is the most beautiful person on the ENTIRE FREAKIN PLANET and she could be a model when she grows up. Nicole is the best human being in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE TO EVER EXIST! I LOVE NICOLE

I love Nicole, she's so beautiful, funny, and caring.

by Smurt Smurf February 10, 2022