Source Code

Pudic Hair

the hair on the male privates

Seth: Yo Rony my pudic hair is getting a little crazy! i should cut it soon, winter is coming. Do girls like it grizzly?
Rony: Come on yo i dont know, i aint trying to hear that right now dude, T.M.I.

by mrw35t November 30, 2009

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Trumpy hair

when your hairline resembles that of trumps

wow jean u have a serous case of Trumpy hair

by norketra September 22, 2016

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boosh hair

That silly hair that is usually sported by males in skinny jeans. A kind of mullet like style. As worn by Noel Fielding from "The Mighty Boosh"

he has such Boosh hair

by Jess_brighton April 12, 2007

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riffle hair

hair that grows out of the japai or bell end

-omfg wat is tht? (woman's voice)
-it's riffle hair baby; all the rage in Russia (man's voice)

by Ollie Dearing April 16, 2007

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hair punk

The fusion of the terms "hair metal" and "punk."

It is used to describe a derivative form of punk rock music which utilizes glossy guitars, pounding reverberated drums, and polished high-range vocals. People who participate in hair punk usually wear hair as follows: spikey on top near the back, straight on the sides, and long side-swiped bangs. Hair punk musicians and followers also wear abnormally tight jeans or pants, and other clothing with bright colors, attempting to hark back to the days of David Bowie and The New York Dolls, when in fact, it appears to be a glossed-up watered-down version of pop punk and emo fashions.

Hair punk is culturally accepted and there are many people, primarily teenage "scene" girls, who support them. This success and acceptance is similar to that achieved by many hair metal bands in the 80's, such as Poison, Whitesnake, and Warrant (hence the term).

Hair punk is used to describe bands such as Forever The Sickest Kids, All Time Low, Blessthefall (although more so the style rather than the music), The Maine, Plain White T's, etc.

by jimmyjazz823 May 22, 2010

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Hair Preen

A classic move done by females to stroke their hair and indicate sexual interest to a guy.

It is rarely done unconsciously as a fixer upper to look better to the guy, but moreso as an obvious communicator, a sort of code language for being into someone.

That chick totally hair preened me the other day and did it until I noticed her, and she totally wanted the dick.

by GeniusBansel December 30, 2017

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vegan hair

long, beautiful, natural hair: often untouched by dyes, styling products/tools, synthetic materials, meats, or cheeses.

"what is it about that girl that makes her raw as hell?"

"it's the vegan hair, man."

by leila r. July 25, 2012

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