Source Code

bloody angel

performing oral sex on a female who has her period.

bob gave lashonda a bloody angel.

by abou_zeidan January 28, 2010

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Angel Hunting

The process of seeking an alternative social and psychoneurological remedy or relaxation method by means of seeking companionship with kind, friendly, young, cordial, and beautiful opposite sex individuals who tend to provide generous, loving, and harmonious hospitality, service, and friendship; while other means of such remedy or relaxation are considered ineffective or insufficient. This is one good way to clear your head, make ends meet, or take matters into your own hands without applying any unethical factors, such as force, violence, harassment, manipulation, exploitation, etc., thereby considering this activity to be downright ethical, as long as all the rules and regulations of the activity are applied properly and correctly. Angel Hunting, thus, contains its own dos and don'ts that must be obeyed in order for any hunting to be approved or considered. For instance, you do whatever the angels you are hunting allow you to do. Even if they allow you to do many things, Angel Hunters have the right to refuse some of those permissible things or offerings in order to follow the Angel Hunter code of conduct. Please note that 'Angel Hunting' totally differs from perversion or any other form of illicit or reckless sexual activity, even if promiscuity and ladykilling are involved in it. In fact, Angel Hunters condemn all illicit or unethical acts and, instead, support the good. They also support the concept of 'social justice,' which is often the result of good angel hunting.

Angel Hunting is a beautiful activity, only if you perform it the right way.

I love Angel Hunting, because you get to meet not only one good young opposite-sex companion, but even more than one during one time period as well as over time. Who knows? With their hospitality, friendship, and beauty, this makes Angel Hunting a really powerful and useful activity, depending on how often you do it.

by That's Not Necessary November 10, 2009

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los angeles

Apparently the second largest city in the U.S., it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It lacks charm unlike other metropolitan cities, and gets pretty old.

"What do you want to do today?"
"I don't know, we've already done everything in Los Angeles at least seventy-four times, backwards, and with our arms tied behind our backs."
"We could try driving blind-folded on the 405 because it's not like the traffic will be moving."

"Wow, you live in L.A.? That's so cool."
"Yeah, if you enjoy shallow shit."

by 310 August 18, 2006

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Johnny's Angels

Obsessive, psychotic fans of figure skating famewhore Johnny Weir. Known for pretty much sacrificing all things normal in life to follow Johnny's skating career, including their jobs, relationships and even personal hygiene. Some travel to wherever he is scheduled to appear. They also come in all nationalities. Given the chance, they most threads on Internet skating forums regardless if the topic is about Johnny or not - they will make it about Johnny. No criticism of him is tolerated, constructive or otherwise. Even if Johnny is in the wrong, and he has been more often than not, they will find a way to justify it. If you want to piss one off, tell them that it was good that Johnny didn't medal in the two Winter Games he competed in. It is like kicking a hive of African bees. Usually congregated around someone's computer, trolling on a skating forum, or at a local TGIFriday's, ordering double everything. Do not sit near them if you want to enjoy your meal. If you want to catch one and examine it, use Entenmann's cheesecake and a large bear trap.

Todd: I hate Johnny Weir and am SO GLAD he didn't win an Olympic medal.
Heather: YOU MISERABLE SONFABITCH! HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT JOHNNY THAT WAY!!! (Heather grabs Todd by the head, slamming it into the wall several times until he falls into a heap on the floor.
Todd (dying, blood oozing from his ears and head): Wow, you must be one of Johnny's Angels!
Heather: Damn straight, motherfucker! (Kicks Todd in his wounded head before he dies).

by Whatchu Talkin' 'bout Willis? March 6, 2011

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wdp angel

a paintball gun made by WDP "world domination products" or some thing other i can remember.... best gun ever made

my wdp angel is an agg gun

by kyle, c April 14, 2006

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angels kiss

often used as a way to say Birthmark.
a unique mark someone has had sence birth

dude that chick had a sweet angel kiss on her pussy

no way! she had an angels kiss!?

by Thatjguyt November 6, 2009

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Angel’s Kiss

When your partner buries their face deep between your butt cheeks and provides an air tight seal of their lips around your anus and they begin to feverishly tongue the sphincter while humming their favorite song. The feeling is truly heavenly.

Rachel gave me a reach around last night while doing an angel’s kiss to some Taylor Swift. It was pure heaven. She had a suction hold on my fartbox like a leech.

by Eaton Holgoode October 12, 2018

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