Source Code

latex opening

the latex opening is

\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, xcolor, amssymb, amsthm, babel, empheq, graphicx,ragged2e,hyperref,enumitem, yfonts}
\newcommand{\dlim}{\displaystyle \lim}
\newcommand{\dint}{\displaystyle \int}
\newcommand{\doint}{\displaystyle \oint}
\newcommand{\dsum}{\displaystyle \sum}



"Well, you see, in order to latex successfully you need to fucking memorise the latex opening which is annoying as shit"

by Dexatric January 23, 2021

open water rowing

An open water rower rows across an unprotected, “open” body of water experiencing the varied conditions of the environment. Open water rowing is to flat water rowing as cross country running is to running on a track.
Open water rowing most accurately describes the characteristics and possibilities on the water and the style of boat one would row given these varied conditions.

Open water rowing is a wonderful way to experience the San Francisco Bay.

by Juanita Sicktastic July 15, 2022

open water rowing

A very difficult and stressful sport which includes a boat, oars, and people to use the oars to row. This sport is led in New England by the Burlington High school rowing team who won the New England Ice Breaker Challenge even though Sound School Cheated!

Burlington High school beat The Sound School in open water rowing.

by Ace Ventura Pet Detective January 3, 2018

low open

The shittiest of shitty shit who think they're great so they prance about with a high esteem thinking they tower over everyone and do stupid shit that just disrupts others and proves they are, in fact, low open.

"This guy is the definition of low open."

by whydoineedahandlethatsdumb September 22, 2014

Crack open a cold one

Winning in fortnite

Person A:wanna crack open a cold one
Person B:let's get those w

by Dicklover6942056 January 25, 2020

Open Ended Movie

A storytelling style that reflects the ongoing nature of life, where the narrative lacks a clear structure or final conclusion, continuously presenting new conflicts and resolutions

The Lord of the Rings is not an open ended movie story—once the ring is destroyed, the main conflict is resolved, and the story concludes. In contrast, Ratatouille is an open-ended story. Remy achieves his dream of cooking within the first 20 minutes, but the narrative continues, introducing new conflicts and resolutions, reflecting the ongoing nature of life

by Ben Wise January 20, 2025

Brown eye opener

Something that arouses or excites a gay dude.

God, David's new outfit is a real brown eye opener!

by Shuaman May 2, 2021