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Boston Celtic's day

Boston Celtic's day is another way of saying St.Patrick's day. March 17th

Its Boston celtic's day?
isit? when?
Today! its St. Patrick's day!!!

by Phili Balla March 16, 2008

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Boston Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

A Boston puck bunny favorite. When her man rams her ass so hard that there is a mixture of blood and fecal matter on his cock. He then pulls it out and shoves it down his puck bunny's throat to clean it off.

That chick's was so hot and tight, Wigle gave her a Boston Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.

by UnkleRehshish November 26, 2019

alaskan pipeline boston pancake

People named Giovanni are very likely to love this dish.

Giovanni loves his alaskan pipeline boston pancakes

by Alaskan pipeline boston November 29, 2016

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Boston shocker a.ka. bean town tickle

A pleasurable sexual act first performed in South Boston. The act includes one's pinky being inserted into one's partner anus while extending the index and middle finger in a "V" formation towards the male's genitals and gently tickling, or stroking, the testicles. A pleasurable sexual act first performed in South Boston. The act includes one's pinky being inserted into one's partner anus while extending the index and middle finger in a "V" formation towards the male's genitals and gently tickling, or stroking, the testicles.

Jim and I were at the bar and I asked him " Have you ever had a finger in your butt during sex? He said no. I asked if he knew of the Boston shocker a.ka. bean town tickle? He said, no. I whispered it in his ear. We left the bar to head back to my place. "

by southietickler August 14, 2015

Boston Tee Partee

When you make her release sexual fluids as an act of spite

Josh and his girlfriend are having a tough patch just last night he made her do a Boston Tee Partee

by T1Dildo September 18, 2023


A girl with a name that no one considers a name. She can never find it at gift shops and people never believe it is actually her name. And if they do, they think it is a boy's name.

She likes her name, but wishes people wouldn't say 'OH, LIKE DA CITY' everytime she said it was her name.

She also likes that she is the only person she knows with that name.
She has never met anyone else with her name.

She has brown eyes and brown hair and she is nice but can be crabby. She likes memes and sleeping, oh and food. Yay goodbye now. #QUARANTINEBORDEM #MAKINGYOUROWNWORD

My name is Boston. YES IT IS A DUCKING NAME.

by thequackingduck2020 April 13, 2020


Boston is the act of receiving head. Usually used in a phrase, "a trip to Boston". After getting said fellatio, you would tell your homies about it subtly, with class. Possible New-York thing, not sure tho.

"Yo What happened with shawty you left with last night?"
"We went to my car and I took her on a one way trip to Boston"
"Ayyyy my nigga!"

by ToxicSandwiches October 30, 2021