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Canada's history

One part two girls, one cup
One part donkey punch
One part dirty sanchez
One part tossed salad
A soupcon of cleveland steamer
And a pair of rimless glasses

John Edwards's sex tape is so Canada's history they're showing it at Epcot.

by colbertnationalist February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A violent sex act involving a man and a woman, where the man places a set of moose antlers on his erect penis and forcefully enters the womans anus, previously lubed with maple syrup. To finish off, the man ejaculates into the Stanley Cup and pours bagged milk into it. They then both share the nectar.

Person A: "Dude, did you get lucky last night?"
Person B: "Fuck yeah! I got her to do the Canada's History!"

by mystikraven February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A role play game:

Two people of either sex take maple syrup and pore it on each other; naked. Then, taking moose horns, the perform sexual activities on the anal regions, using the maple syrup as a lubricant. After both anuses have been aroused, the two partners take turns taking bowel movements into a stanley cup replica. After mixing the feces with more maple syrup the two feed each other while reminiscing on th good activities that have just taken place.

The editor of Canada's History, Mark Reid, refused to participate in a round of Canada's History with Stephen Colbert.

by Jonah Vark February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A highly depraved sex act involving moose antlers, maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup.

Man, Steve totally plans to do Canada's History with Jenn.

by Cheodo February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sexual act so deviant, it is only legally performed on Stephen Colbert's C-shaped desk.

I'd like to explore Canada's History with Stephen Colbert

by wigfield84 February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

a method of manufacturing Canadian bacon

the manufacture of Canadian bacon utilizing a loathsome carnal act involving concupiescent lumberjacks, mephitic beavers and anserine hockey players copulating with a hog, which ends up miserably dying after the insertion of a hockey stick and force-feeding of maple syrup.

Canadian bacon is made using Canada's history.

by C Nation February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

When a Frenchman and an Englishman double-team a Native American (bonus points if it's an Inuit) while all still feeling inferior to the obscene sex acts of their next door neighbor.

I did Canada's History last night with my friend Jacques and his girlfriend, but guy in the apartment next door was still railing some chick harder!

by Link47 February 5, 2010

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