when you get bit by a mosquito while shitting
Beyoncé got shit bit this morning!
When you’re asked about how your day was and you had a bad one but the person who is asking had an objectively worse day than you did.
Firefighter: we lost every child to the fire at the orphanage. Anyway, how was your day?
Me, working at a party service: We ran out of balloons and the customer got really angry.
It was a bit of a hard day at the ice cream factory.
A do-it-yourselfer who never discards the little screwdriver-tips that come in boxes of torx deck-screws, even though there's always a fresh bit included in every box of screws.
My buddies jokingly call me a compulsive torx-bit saver because I don't throw out still-usable screwdriver-tips from boxes of screws, but I figger that, hey --- I already paid for the tips when I bought the screws, so why not save them in case I need one to use with other screws in the future?
Hottest character from the Outsider's. He has ultimate unspoken rizz.
gigachad two-bit mathews stan: bros absolutely stunning
A more than colossally large amount; indescribable amount
Blair Thomas loves Joshua Mease alotta lotta bit more then he loves her.
A term used mainly for 6ft girls.
origniated from the one Rachael Robinson
"You ed whose that 2 bit hor on the drive"
" oh dont worry thats just my mates steph"
the amount of further alienation from your family after the festivities we categorise as "Xmas", Christmas (Eve)
"honestly, i never thought i'd be capable of cultivating a poker face. well, not after christmas."
"I am missing our post office a wee bit more now that its been displaced. Maybe its time to switch to modern information technology."