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Usually refers to white, college-age, left-wing student activists that dress poorly and engage in labored, unoriginal and uninspiring acts of civil disobedience that have little to no relevance to every day Americans, such a protests against sweat shops or the entire Occupy Movement.

“Oh man!” he chortled, “Ha! I should’ve guessed… by your clothes! Oh man! You’re one of the freak-a-deeks!”
“Freak-a-deeks?” I disingenuously protested and leaned back in my chair.
“Yeah. Oh, man.” He laughed. “That’s what we call these airhead activist types. You know? I didn’t mean any disrespect when I was going on about all that white man’s guilt shit and all. You know?”
“Don’t worry,” I said. “It takes a thick skin to be in the business.”
He rubbed his tear-clogged eyes and stopped his laughing. “Who’re you with? The Greens? The Commies? The ‘let’s rape the rich’ freak-a-deeks?”
“The Progressives,” I said. “The Obioch Progressive Union.”

Excerpt from the novel The Rum and the Fury

by Karlos October 22, 2014

2👍 8👎

computer freak

grant kozitza is a stupid futha fuckin whore

lets say my mom would let grant come over to my house to do my sister. she said no way, my daughter is not for sale. i bet youre wondering why the joke is in here, computer freak is grants moms sisters cousins redneck aunt.

by dog November 30, 2004

5👍 67👎


when you want to say spectacular, but very sarcastically.

I just lost my cellphone, spectacu-freaking-lar.

by Katey :) June 5, 2009

Edy Le Freak

Edy Le Freak, is the name of the most amazing person on this hearth, he’s very positive, friendly, and encourages everyone around him to achieve the best version of themselves.

He is the King of Cape Town, and everyone knows that He’s always the last one standing at the bar at 6am.

As a boyfriend Edy Le Freak treats his girlfriend like a queen, and does things to her that only someone who read the whole Kamasutra backwards can do.

Edy Le Freak is a Beast!

by 929292lu92 April 29, 2020

Super Bussy Freak

A Person Who Likes Taking Dick In The Booty (Getting Pumped in the Ass) Opening His Booty Hole and Allowing A Grown Man To Put His Giant Penis In His Small Tight Hole. He enjoys the giant penis in his hole because he creams a lot on it. He calls himself a Super Bussy Freak because his bussy is so good it makes dudes freak out.

Look out that guy is a serious Super Bussy Freak.

by Shanghaipapii July 3, 2023


cross eyed freak - hes so cross eyed and thinks he's so cool with his guide dogs roaming around. he will look at you and when u look at him he's like ''STOP LOOKING AT ME!'' even though he was looking at you for 2 hours... fuck him, honestly..

cross eyed freak is cross eyed <3

by httqs..rxndom?? June 21, 2022

Get freaking illegal

The action to become freaking illegal.
1.) Commit an illegal activity and be sentenced to at least 10 years in prison.
2.) Get deported.
3.) Say anything offensive to The United States of America.

Friend: I'm playing google snake game rn.
Friend: *dies in snake*
Me: What's wrong?

by TheAngryNerd May 16, 2019