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Lou Blais

The fuckboy did a magic trick.

Lou Blais did a magic trick.

by Nyota11 February 25, 2017


A dude with a fuckgirl mentality, who uses women(or men, depending on what they like) just like women use men. Like the dreaded fuckgirl, they lack accountability and often end up lonely.

Man, that dude "Mr. C" doesnt really want Christa, he wants what she can give him. What a fuckboy!

by Bubba the Tool Guy July 18, 2022


This person will want nude pictures of you and he won't leave you alone. However he is only with you to have sexual intercourse (get fucked). These types of people are hard to get rid of as they ACT sweet just to come back in your life.

Hey babe I'm sorry I should behave alot better not like a fuckboy... you wanna have sex tonight...

by Fizzypopz June 13, 2017


A weak ass pussy who aint about this shit, also known as Aidan Gist.

I know a Fuckboy, his name was Aidan.

by unicornsareamazing13 March 24, 2015


-a Giuseppe badalamenti who can be found with an albert espinal but needs to fuck not only other men but straight couples presenting a dilemma that only an albert espinal can handle.

Giuseppe needed to go on a two week trip to fuck a fruit fly with her hub and then a rando gay man from londom week 2 while alby watched from afar thru social media babysitting the fuckboys hot dog.

by Threeproblems… August 29, 2022


A male....usually considered an asshole, jerk, hater, pussy, and dick...Treats and or puts women down constantly.....ghetto, dirty, self conscious of his small penis, no home training has, no life, and constantly brags about his sexcapades which are usually lies....And is always in your DM asking for your number...😕

You can't raise a fuckboy to be civilized...

by MalaysiaSlays March 28, 2016


Will Larsen

oh that fuckboy will larsen

by oooooo123456789 September 14, 2019