When people are slow to react to things therefore causing a delay in proceedings of an activity
The baseball game was stopped for a moment as the umpire had a brain delay
A person who doesn't try to remember anything that they can look up on Google.
1st guy: Man, we watched a great show last night about a town that is trying to survive after a nuclear attack.
2nd guy: What's the show called?
1st guy: I'm google-brained man. I'll have to look it up.
When you brain is as useful as a rock.
Man, after hitting that blunt I got mad rock brain.
A frosé - induced brain freeze.
While similar to the well-known brain freeze, the brain frosé packs a much harder-hitting punch. When rosé is consumed in frozen format, it creates a particularly mind-numbing phenomenon that brings grown men to their knees.
I would have gone out with him again, but he got brain frosé after round 4 and I just can't unsee that.
bug brain is given as a complement to someone , when someone gives a solution quite big brain but still stupid enough to have a bug sized brain
someone: oh shit there are bees in my house
other person: just burn the house ez
someone: wow! that's bug brain why didn't I think about that
This illness takes over the brains of gamers and reduces them into absolute bastards.
Gamer 1:"Mike has been feeding and flaming his adc non stop.
Gamer 2:"He has been playing league of legends for way too long and his brain has devolved into the one a bastard brain would have."
When you have just thought of something completely random and off-topic, and decide to write/draw about that completely random topic.
Man 1: "Hey d00d. Look what I just drew."
Man 1: *shows picture of EPYC Randomness.
Man 2: d00d, that is just pure brain leakage man.
Man 1: I know, right?.