leo can fuck very good
leo is white or middle eastern
leo has a very good music taste.
leo is handsome
A very clever person who learns quickly speaks languages
Leo's the type of guy whose friends understand him but he doesn't. Also tends to have bad coping mechanisms. He most likely has parent issues which can affect his mental and physical health. He tends to put others before himself but by making others feel better he feels better so to him it doesn't matter, but sometimes he just needs to be understood. Sometimes he just needs to be realized for is efforts and the energy he puts into others. He tends to talk to himself and pretend people are asking him how hes been or how he became a music star. He just wants to be known or heard but its never enough for him. He can be a dick or come off harsh but to those people he really cares about should know he doesn't mean to come off like he doesn't care because he really truly does care maybe that is his way of showing it? Lets just be honest very few people are worried about him because he refuses to let his guard down but he doesn't know how to explain how he feels without people wanting to be his therapist he doesn't need one he just wants someone to listen to understand him. He's flawlessly attractive or that's what others tell him but he doesn't believe them. He thinks his whole life is a flaw but really he just needs a break where he can be with his lover and stay with them forever. He just wants everything to go his way so he can be happy, not to be selfish just because he thinks I need a break but those are just dreams. I don't mind being leo I just wish I saw myself just better.
Friend 1: is he ok?
Friend 2: Yeah why, there is literally nothing wrong with him ever.
Friend 3: No hes not im gonna go check on leo.
Friend 2: wtv hes fine.
Strong,brave,passionate and warm
I love leo's
Whats there to not love?
The name for short blonde boy who belives that everyone is obsessed with him, and cannot understand jokes.
Oh my god, he thinks shes in love with him just because they talked once! What a Leo!
leos are special they are very nice and cute and
adorable and you are most likely to have a lot of
things in common with them they are always here for
you at first they are shy but the more you get to know
them the more you wanna be with them, usually cute
and funny and skates ®. they are always
overthinking but its not a bad things they care about
people a lot mostly loved ones. they are always there
for you and have a lot of spare time and wouldnt
mind staying up calling with you. they dont like
sharing their personal issues also they do hide a lot
of things inside and aren't very open so if they
eventually open up to you you might consider ur self
lucky. they have great personality and music taste
and just know how to make you smile. most likely to
ask for tittie picks. they are just cute and adorable in
general and are very lucky to have one in your life,
they quite dont really care about grades. they are
very loving and so adorable. get yourself a leo:3
you know leo
he's so cute😳