HES SO FUCKING PRECIOUS I SWEAR his presence fr makes me smile sm i wish i could b there w him all the time cus pls i just wanna b w him although i dont act like it much he make me insanely happy and everytime i talk to him i get so happy bc he’s just so wow yk? he’s so funny genuinely so hAilOurs pls i miss him whenever i’m not talking to him. he honestly deserves the entire universe even w pluto n shit he’s so amazing n cute n nice n just so perfect none of u have any idea he’s the only person i’ll ever see myself with n i hope i never lose him he’s one of the most adorable ppl i’ve ever met n jsjfk he’s perfect n he’s SO ATTRACTIVE I KID U NOT LIKE WHO LET HIM B THAT BEAUTIFUL pls i’m in pain neeway he makes me feel wanted n yes if i could give him everyting i would i love him a lot n i hope one day he’s the happiest man on earth. if we ever broke up i feel like i’d find my way back to him he’s honestly addicting i can’t get enough of him i jate that he thinks he isn’t all thwt bc he is he’s worth so much and means so much to me i adore him i’m so obsessed w him everything he does and says i love i wish he knew how much i adored him i wish he’d believe that he’s the only one i think about before i sleep i wish he’d realize how in love i am with him he’s an amazing person and the way he makes me feel is just wow i’ve never felt so strongly for a person before i’ve never tried so jard for a person before he’s honestly the best nobody could ever compare n HES SO SEGGC N SWAG
luke puke is so swag
Fuckin legend, 700 solo wins, 1000 total wins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Paralaxitives gives the parafacts
Luke Cull aka Fuckin Paralaxitives destroyed me cunt, those 90s were sexy, use code paralaxitives in the fortnite item shop
A person who drinks water with someone’s balls dipped in it
Luke Bainbridge: May seem a little strange at first, but once you get to know him he is one of the most kind hearted and loving people in the world. Luke won't let you down and will always be there for you. Even if it is just for some company. Luke tends to be on the affectionate side, willing to receive or give hugs to anyone, man or woman. Luke is also very good with making people smile, as well as being the person you can trust most with your problems. Once Luke is in your life you won't want to get rid of him and if you do you will always go back to look for him.
1: Hey man you know Luke Bainbridge? Yea well him and I were chatting and that guy is actually amazing with advice!
2: Dude did you invite Luke Bainbridge to the party? No? Man are you crazy ? You need him there !
3 : Girl you need to find yourself a Luke Bainbridge
An often caring and beautiful women who works very hard taking care of her children. Heidi Luke is a women who is very loyal and goal oriented. Heidi Luke is someone who isn't afraid to stand up for the people she loves, she is perfect and anyone would do anything for her
Heidi Luke is so amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have her in their life
That feeling when
"Bro I just fucking Luke Asman'd soooo intense that shit was crazy"
"Relax are you okay"
"Kick me in my balls"