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Thot mega mountain

A mountain once created in a “peaceful” MineCraft world until some thot mega Rory put TNT everywhere and some other thot mega called Hollie set it off with Flint and Steel, Which then creates your whole game to lag really bad or even crash

Ceebs Writing a definition for Thot mega mountain ✌🏽

by Lildarthvader July 22, 2019

Nigga Mountain Toilet

Nigga Mountain Toilet (allso known as NMT) is a rituall where a man of african heritage sitts on a toilet atop a mountain (taller than about 100 meters above sea level). the man is often seen reading the news but it is not necessary to create the NMT phenomenon

Ah man look at that dude! he is doing the Nigga mountain toilet

by Jackbanan August 17, 2019

Mountain Man Breakfast

When you wake up in the mountains and swallow cum first thing in the morning.

These pancakes look dank but I really need a Mountain Man Breakfast right now.

by JohnCaleLovesYou October 16, 2021

Missouri Mountain Hammer

A redneck built like a lumber jack, who has a penis so big, he can break boulders with the slap of his giant cock.

“Did you hear what Greg did?

I heard he roughed up Angie pretty good.

That’s what a Missouri Mountain Hammer will do to a pretty little thing.”

by Dudeman the Dingleberry God February 20, 2023

Rocky Mountain Fountain

High Altitude Breast Feeding

yo dude a rocky mountain fountain should be legal in public, bro

by xxxjerrysuxcoxndix69xxx July 26, 2016

Mountain Wolf Plays

The best yter on earth. If you disagree then go burn in a hole.

Person A: Mountain Wolf Plays is the best yter

Person B: Incorrect

Person A: die

Person C: die

Person D: die

Person B: sorry I meant correct

by Awsome Power March 3, 2021

king under the mountain

Dáin II Ironfoot

After Thorin, Fili and Kili have died, Thorin's cousin Dáin II Ironfoot of the iron hills becomes king of Duran's folk, otherwise known as king under the mountain.

by justaman June 5, 2017