Source Code

Animal Testing

Animals get harmful chemicals tested on them just so us humans can have our ✨✨✨PrEtTy GiRlY gIrL mAkEuP bEcAuSe It'S sO iMpOrTaNt✨✨✨!!! No. Most common animals tested are mice, bunnies, guinea pigs, cats, and beagels. Now you think they might just like put the power on them and then wash it off, NOPE YOUR WRONG. They go and use the stuff to test on animals which ends up hurting them and possibly killing them. This world is messed up.

1. The creator just dumped moat of there animal tested bathroom stuff

2. Head and Shoulders do Animal Testing :(

by ·KaitlynnKrumble· June 20, 2021

Leaf Animations

A youtuber who makes lego videos, in his spare time beats of to porn.

person 1: where did leaf animations go
person 2: stfu ni-

by Ehdhfd February 2, 2021

Animal Cracker

When a white person (Cracker) goes beast mode.

Damn, Debbie scored 28 points in the last game, shes going beast mode.
Nah dude shes white, she's and Animal Cracker

by Br02d2 February 15, 2018

anime arc

The chapter in an anime that focuses on a direct subject, character or villian

There are the Future Trunks arc and the Tournament of Power anime arcs in dragon ball super

by TaVe-Ronin November 6, 2020

Ethan Animates

An amazing animator, and great guy all around. GREAT and animation, and when his story time animations come out every once in a while it is worth it!

"Ethan Animates just animated that, it is so smooth!

by DestopDrawings October 18, 2022

Animal clever

Possessing skills of a shady or possibly shady nature. Applied to people of little intellect.

X:"She got fired as a Walmart greeter cuz she kept telling the customers they dressed like they shopped there too much already, so she filed a lawsuit saying her free speech rights had been violated and she won a huge settlement. wtf?!"

Y:"Yeah, she's animal clever for sure!"

X:"He's too dumb to follow the directions on a can of corn, but he's the go to man if you ever lock your keys in your car."

Y:"Some people are just animal clever."

by Vardogr June 20, 2010

anime haters

hmm.. looks like we have another dumbass here. you seem to have a good arguement against people who are obsessed with anime, but you dont realize that you have no reason in your arguement to hate anime yourself. i guess you just proved that other guy right, you hate it because it is popular with the loser crowd, not becuse you think there's something wrong with anime. preps are fucking bastards, jocks too. i'm not saying i have anything against football becuase "i was unable to join the team ", it's becuse i hate those egotistical dumbasses who think they're better than everyone else becuse they can throw a ball. and really, why would he want to join a team of ass-slapping, dumbasses just to get beat up? he would almost be a bigger dumbass than you by joining a team for the reason of getting beaten up.
good luck with "McDonalds". i'm sure you definitely deserve to work in such a great facility as that if you can't even spell it.
well i'm glad you're proud for you on that 1.5 "GPA", (rounding that off with a nice C+ in science for giving your teacher head but lowering that down with a D in grammar). yeah, nice little play you wrote too, it was about as entertaining as a 10 year old runnning the special olympics. and both of you are wrong on one thing, the stereotypical anime weakling geek and the anime-hating jock. i have a friend who likes anime, although not quite obsessed with it as others, and he has joined a football team and kicked plenty of ass.
and why are you here on your computer anyways? itsn't it too "nerdy" for you? shouldn't you be going out and slapping your friends asses and throwing around balls while your parents spoil you and bribe your teachers into giving you good grades so you can go the most snobby-est, most expensive college they could afford?

seriously they should ban dumbasses like you from the internet....

by ass January 28, 2005

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