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A politer word for 'boob'. Used usually when describing two individuals as together 4-evah in a bad way.
Variation: Noobies.

Lilz: Omgz. They're such NOOBS.
Teacher: Did you just call them boobs?
Lilz: 'Course not! Noobs, ma'am!
Teacher: Kay then! Alrightie! Keep it up. :)

by KayI'mKewl February 9, 2011

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1. Someone who asks an obvious question
2. Someone who asks a stupid question

Comrade_Leskul: How much does a Gold Mine cost?
00Rokor00: noob

Blakhole199: How do u mine 4 fish?
GreenGoblin82: Noob

by fib12345 April 24, 2009

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the dumbest word to have ever been created and should seriously just go away.

dude! your such a noob!

wow, shut up dude.

by Mr.Snootybooty April 15, 2009

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Noob Skin

Slang used against default skins on fortnite. This indicates that the victim this is reffering to has not spent money on the free game.

Oi, You a Noob Skin, go spank yourself.

by Mark1Moo July 21, 2018

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Noob cannon

Noob cannon Using a auto shoty in any game. Usualy an FPS game. Noob cannon usualy contains no reecoil and blast BB's everywhere. The noob is very unaware, and is ufraid of putting his noob cannon down.

Non Noob: Put down your noob cannon noob..

Noob: The desert eagle is the noob cannon dummy!

Non Noob: what ever floats your boat noob.

by Non noob420 October 26, 2009

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Noob sweat

A person playing a game will sometimes perspire if he is particularly anxious, immersed and concentrated. The product of this is called noob sweat, as a player highly routined in the game is less likely to do this. Genres often inspiring noob sweat are FPS and RTS.

Hey G-Dalf, we can smell your noob sweat!

by Martin K January 8, 2008

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noob complex

A scenario in which you are called a noob and have no power to rebuke it because you're a noob. Attempts to reject the fact will simply move you further down the noob chain.

Person A: "You're a noob."
Person B: "No, you're a noob!"
Person A: "Sorry, you're already a noob. Nothing you say is valid."
Person B: "Damn."
Person A: "Looks like you're stuck in a noob complex."

by Tyranny of the Majority December 10, 2009

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