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mocos de gorila

Gorilla Snot in English: an actual gel product straight from Mexico. Best quality of all time (like any true Mexican)
*Google it you disbelievers

Girl: Hey sexy, I like your hair. How do you keep it flawless like that?
-girl touches hair
Guy: Oh like this... mocos de gorila. gorilla snot
Girl: Ew! Ew! you sick bastard
Guy: Calm down thats the name of my gel product
Girl:Oh! What a relief.

*Guy aside: damn pendeja gets worser things jizz on her hands and doesn't complain

by alacran2121 November 25, 2009

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hurf de durf

Adjective used to describe a (usually unwarranted) fit, rant, or temper tantrum.

Things were going great at the funeral, until Kelly went all "hurf de durf" over the choice of hymns.

by rated_x July 11, 2008

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maricon de playa

spanish for 'fag of the beach'
Used in the "spanglish" language for a fag wearing a mankini on a public beach. Seen mostly on Miami beach and the Keys

That fruity bastard is the maricon de playa.

by robert perez September 29, 2004

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Tacos de Foco

Common Tacos, but with some cheap yellow lightbulbs in the front as lightning. People always refer to them, and usually they are talking about different places, assuming they are talking about the same one, since there are plenty of them.

We went to the Tacos de Foco and had some nice tacos!

by AldoAM August 3, 2007

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De Anthony

Has a small dick and is very very gay, he loves to eat plums. Sucks at basketball and loves adwins

De Anthony loves Adwins

by Iloveadwins October 22, 2019

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fils de pute

1) son of a postitute
2) french insult: 'son of a bitch'

1) Il s'appelle Pierre, il est fils de pute.
2) Casse-toi fils de pute !

by Marianne January 18, 2004

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Cinco de Negro

A drinking day for black people. Term coined by Conan O'Brien. Unlike Black Drinkin' Day, which is the offical black drinking holiday celebrated on October 7th, Cinco de Negro can be celebrated on any 5th day of the month, making it a recurring celebratory day.

I was pissed cuz I had a rough day at work but then I remembered that it was the 5th so it was Cinco de Negro...me an mah boys had a few that night I can tell you.

by Lord Elsington Halsdingworth October 20, 2009

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