The phrase 'Cocky want boing boing' is an age old saying, utilised by one who feels a strong, overwhelming urge to produce offspring on the setting of a gorgeous veil of sand.
"at the beach - where the hoes at?
cocky want boing boing!"
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To want to neck is to wish to kill oneself (by hanging).
(Similar to "I want to die".)
Oh my god, I have four assignments this week and two presentations... It's causing me to want to neck!
A word usually heard from 6 year olds playing gorilla tag.
An idiot: Do you want to play mini games?
A gorilla tag player who has a brain:SHUT UP NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY MINI GAMES.
Let's say you are at home chilling then you see one of your triggers and have a panic attack , you would feel homesick and want to go home even if you're at home.
- I wanna go home I wanna go home please I wanna go home
-do you Want to go home when u r already at home bro? It's alright calm down it's gonna be fine.
They want to spoil u with sexual pleasures.
I want to spoil you in a different way if u know what i mean
A colloquial term to describe the nonchalance felt by all those who embody the ideology of "doing what he want".
Why'd you take a shower with my sister? Baby do what he want.
Why'd you leave the chat? Baby do what he want.
A guy that wishes he was cool enough to be gangster. An over-aged man that tries to act Young. Manuel Deluna
Why does he act like he is a want to be gangster when he is just an old man