zenitsus..tears/inosukesstankyassfurryboarballs is SOOO famous
i hate zenitsus..tears/inosukesstankyassfurryboarballs
it's basically fake tears, and it's most likely used by drama queens.
billy: oh god, emma's crying buffalo tears again..
When a non poc uses their tears to convey fake emotions to terminate a life of a poc.
These days are used to jail pocs, bully or discriminate against pocs.
Only applies to those who use it.
Pocs can't use this because they don't have privileges of power.
Power of right to live in the olden days.
When a non poc was angry and felt their power undermined they used this technique to sentence pocs (blacks) to death. Reaping life.
After crying falsely turns around and smirks at poc for the known truth of their death.
Nowadays it's to incriminate pocs or to bully or intimate them.
Wtt: used to cry on emitt till and feel no shame in doing so. Emitt till dies of falsely being accused as he is a poc.
Luc: waaa waaa waaa she did this to me.
*cries in privilege*
Z: what?!?!?!
Luc: she did that 'stops crying' smirking.
Luc: knows wtt is her getaway of privilege. Knows that nothing can stop her from lying.
wtt: non poc tuna tears. Lies in tears, turns it off and smirks.
Wtt/wtt/privilege tears: non poc privilege tuna tears.
The nut running down a mans taint when he was taking a breather from ejaculating but his dick drooped and the nut fell on his taint
“I was takin a breather then I jumped when mah cold taint tears touched mah butthole”
The thing that slides down your leg when you see something hawt or sexy.
Friend 1: holy shit look at how he leans against the wall
Friend 2: oh my fuck, hes hot! A tear drop just fell down my thigh
Friend 1: girl me too
Eveytime he he flirts with me, a tear drop runs down my thigh.
The act of blowing your load in a lady/males belly button and then drinking it from their naval
I totally memphis tear droped veronica.