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Pocket Lint

A word derived from the lint found at the bottom of your hoodies or jeans. Simply translated, pocket lint means weed.

"I just got a dime of pocket lint" or "Do up that P.L."

by 'Tits June 18, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot pocket

the act of taking a shit inside of a fold out bed and folding it up for someone else to find

"SHIT that bum gave us a hot pocket last night"

by that guy eating a taco October 16, 2009

253๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pocket Sized

A small and/or short female.

Dude, look at the little short girl Addie, she's so like.... pocket sized.

by asdfghghflqwfsxcbv August 29, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot pocket

1. A large, filled pastry.
2. A fat, orange haired kid that plays video games all day or World Of Warcraft.

Danm! Look at that fat Hot Pocket play COD4!

by Joe Malone April 25, 2008

125๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a male strategically places the tip of his genitailia into the belly button of a person of whatever sex he chooses.

Dude I polly-pocketed the shit out of her and turned that outie to an innie

by confucious "j-tits" mantits November 30, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pocket Spoon

A spoon kept in your pocket while in public. A pocket spoon is usually kept in a rear pant pocket, but be careful, if you are fat, you may damage your spoon by keeping it in this pocket. For the many people who have this problem, a front pocket is also acceptable. Many pocket spoons are decorated with glitter, gems, or bows. Remember: Your pocket spoons goes out into public with you; It needs to be dressed accordingly. For all of you who don't get the point, just think: What if you need to catch a tadpole and you have no ladle to do so with? USE YOUR HANDY DANDY POCKET SPOON. What if you have an itch? Scratch it with your pocket spoon. What if they are all out of utensils at lunch? Use your pocket spoon. What if you just accomplished something big? Celebrate by raising your spoon in the air. Is ths starting to make sense to all you non-believers? No? Then don't even try to rock this trend; It's not for you.

What's that shiny object by your butt?
Oh, that's my pocket spoon.

by buttsuckerlovescrunk May 23, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

pocket rhino

The pocket rhino is the most famous prank in the book. You get down on one knee and pretend to propose to your lover. You reach into your pocket... and pretend to have trouble finding the ring. As she eagerly awaits the ring emerging from the pocket... you give her a quick one-two punch with the hand that was concealed in the pocket. You then proceed to donkey punch her in the pussy until she is on the verge of a coma. As she is about to slip into a sweet long sleep... you strip her naked and smear blueberries all over her body. After this, it is necessary to put her near a bee hive so that the bees may feast upon her sweet blue body. IF she still likes you after all this.... then you do it again until she realizes that you are one sick fuck. Once she has come to this realization... you ask her for her hand in marriange.

Alan G. proposed to his first 14 wives soon after pulling out the ole "pocket rhino" on their asses.

by PUBEHEADS February 9, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž