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Roblox doors kid

Most annoying kid ever, they are aged from 6-12

they probably have a discord account even if they are underaged
they have a doors pfp and roblox avatar
They have horrible grammar
and again they are annoying as hell

Whoa, look an annoying roblox doors kid that cant shut up about the game

by Black watch August 16, 2023

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Roblox-military syndrome

Roblox-Military syndrome is when someone is addicted to military-training simulations on roblox, and won't stop talking about it for hours or even days in extreme cases. It is not fatal, in fact it does not cause any harm at all, in some cases it does the opposite depending on the accuracy of the simulation.

I think that they have Roblox-military syndrome.

by TorsTheBirb April 18, 2022

Roblox Barbie

group of social rejects that think their better than everyone else for being skinny or tall, usually lies about being trans, black or muslim to get away with shit.

guy: hey bro im gonna be a roblox barbie
guy: social reject

by Smartass, ButDumb. April 2, 2022

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Roblox Girlfriend Or Boyfriend

A person you dated online in roblox.

Most likely dating your grandma.

You: Im breaking up with you

Roblox Girlfriend or boyfriend: NOOOO
You: Yeah lol you fucking wierd
*Then you hear your uncle crying down stairs"

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ April 26, 2021

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roblox Copy And Pastes

Roblox Copy And Pastes are girls who usually play Animations: Mocap, Ragdoll engine, etc. They can also sometimes be found in adopt me like the Roblox Slenders. Their names usually start with A.

They usually wear: Black and red hair, beautiful hair for beautiful people, clean black spikes, roblohunk hair, stitchface, black clothes (sometimes white), basic biker shorts, (rich ones wear korblox and playful)

they also sometimes online date.

brockenboyjay: Ooh! Look at those Roblox Copy And Pastes!
83klies: I wonder if we should talk to them?
brockenboyjay: We should! I bet they'll like us!
83klies: Your right they probably like us! We should go to them now!

by Dahloya October 9, 2020

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Roblox Rule 34

Roblox Rule 34 is rule 34 fucking idiot, it's Roblox porn.

Lena: Hey Charlie, what are you doing right now?
Charlie: I am looked at Roblox Rule 34.
Lena: Isn't that Roblox porn?
Charlie: Yes...
Lena: Pervert.

by ValindraSimp July 17, 2021

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A game that is full of noobs.

Q. Hey friend! Do you know what is R-R-ROBLOX?
A. Yes ofc i do, its a game full of noobs

by Reporter 24/7 December 10, 2017