Source Code

Reverse Battle Royale

When a consenting woman accepts the challenge, she acquires a funnel and about 50 dudes. All the dudes squirt in to the funnel. After gestation a DNA test determines the father. Instead of being the last alive, the winner adds another to the population.

Out of the entire football team, our left guard Glenn Thickseed was the winner of the Reverse Battle Royale. Please consider donating to his child support at Gofuckme.com

by JrHoodRat November 29, 2024

Reece Stephan number 1 victory royale

Number 1 victory royale fortnite yeh we bout to get down

You head Reece’s singing

No what is it

Number 1 victory royals fort Ute yeh we bout to get


Reece Stephan number 1 victory royale

by Callum barr March 27, 2021

Victory royal

When you and your partner cum at the same time

Liv and Alex had a victory royal

by Yellowhighlighter76 April 30, 2024

royal destiny

A Warframe alliance managed by a planet, two afk and an actual person

I love to talk with members of Royal Destiny

by Tibtob April 17, 2018

Royal Trifecta

The triad of Black female greatness: Beyonce, Rihanna, and Nicki Minaj. When all three are together, they are the ultimate image of the "ideal Black woman" that possesses "the essentials:" brains, feminist morals, sex appeal, and self-created success

"I just love the Royal Trifecta. Listening to them together or separately get me fired up and empowered"

by ccierra May 2, 2016


To be repeatedly struck in the balls with a heavy object, especially as a means of torture. Named for the movie Casino Royale in which Le Chiffre tries this method on 007.

See also: Dutch Scratching, Daniel Craiging.

Bond laughed as Le Chiffre Casino-Royaled him one last time. "AH! AH! Yes, yes, YES!" Bond's voice faded from an agonized yelp into tears of laughter. "Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!"

by Thunderchin January 2, 2016

Royale high

A ROBLOX game designed and built by callmehbob, Ironclaw33, Ice7, Sukimeki, Closet_Skeleton, kateka22, LauncelotHandsome, mattisdlc, Kittzilla, JamJamJoo, ixChoco, and many more awesome developers. The game was first released on April 10th, and has received 9 billion visits. The ‘new school’ aka Campus 3 has brought many new players. There are currently 5 realms in ‘the new school’, they are :Front of Castle, Castle’s Heart, School Office, Dormitory Bathing Quarters, and Castle Dorms. Previously there was a realm before the Castle’s Heart, it was called Locker Courtyard. The realm was connected to the School Office and the currently unreleased realm titled “Valkyrie Gymnasium”. This realm has been stated to release when the 10th update phase comes out. The developers have stopped releasing update phases in August. The developers have been focusing more on seasonal updates, such as Everfriend, Flowering, Tidalglow, Eveningfall, Glitterfrost seasons.

Girl 1: What’s your fav game?

Girl 2: Royale high!

by RobloxAndMinecraftGirl January 2, 2024