sentence used to describe something evil as shit, hellish or just very evil/evil looking.
guy1: ''look at that bush''
guy2: ''yeah, wtf?'' guy2: ''it looks like it crawled out of satans ass''
(Crawling/crawled out of satans ass
a autistic kid who draws pentagrams everywhere
damn that guy over there is a satanic lewis
You are reading a hentai manga, and you recite the entire bible in 3 seconds with your eyes rolled back. Satan then summons and sticks his red pecker into your eyeballs. It slithers around your skull, and through your other eye and into your mouth. You start throwing up blood as Satan gives you the best pleasure you have ever had. You are lying down as Satan facefucks you at the speed of sound. He leaves you on the ground to die in complete pleasure after he releases his sulfur semen inside of you.
I got filled with Satan's brimstone after a Satan's Smut
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A code-word for MTF transsexuals.
Hi Melissa, sad Satan is a fatty fatty.
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Satans snatch is when the sex and vagina is that perfect you overlook everything else that’s bad about them. It’s so good you fall under the Satans snatch spell.
I’ve been dating this girl and seeing red flags everywhere but I can’t stop seeing her. She’s got satans snatch. I’m trapped
The combination of semen and faeces, generally achieved in the aftermath of acts of anal-related intercourse.
ADDENDUM: When you cum in someone's ass and your dick is covered in cum and shit.
After having removed his phallus from Jim's rectum, Tod realized he had been left covered in Satan Sludge