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Gifted kid

Synonym of “born to disappoint

Person 1: “My son is such a gifted kid!”
Person 2: “Guess he’s born to disappoint.”

by Bootsieboo1385 January 6, 2022

1👍 3👎

Tysm kid

The kid that says tysm loads
Btw for those of u that don’t know tysm means that you so much
See Shadowshim181

Tysm kid

by Victory royale for Biden January 17, 2021

Florida kid

Someone from Florida, particularly a teenager.
Vocabulary consists of jhit, vineyard vines, tiktok, supreme, and Periodt
Usually white, rich, and annoying

Max - The new kid lives in a mansion but uses gang signs more than actual words

Jordan - Must be a Florida kid

by Monkeyshit4life October 18, 2019

blowout kid

someone who has a blowout haircut

pauly d has a blowout kid haircut

by pigeonsquad March 16, 2015

Wall Kid

A “wall kid” is a term that originates from Eden Prairie, Minnesota. There is no actual wall, the term refers to railings overlooking New Commons. There are four railings, one for Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. People who stand at these “walls” are called Wall Kids. They go to the walls before school starts, during lunch, and in between classes. To be a wall kid, you can be blonde, you can be rich, you can play football (some baseball players are wall kids, but it’s not a rite of passage), or you can be on drugs and drink hella alcohol (in a “cool” way though, not such a drug addict that you are shooting heroin in the bathrooms, ODing in the halls, or are a frequent user of the sex staircase). It also has to be mentioned that you have to be really hot for people to even consider you a wall kid. Some girls are NOT hot, but if you’re blonde and friends some of the girl wall kids, you’re in. Some ugly guys hang around the walls, too, but they also are probably friends with a wall kid, and the others are probably irritated that someone ugly is by their precious wall. Popular incoming freshman will know that they will become wall kids, and on the first day of school will run to the freshman wall. Wall kids will go to Homecoming and Prom together, throw raging parties, and be guaranteed a spot at a good college (no ivies, none of them are all that smart). Wall kids are the highest rank of social status at Eden Prairie High School.

Girl 1: I really like this one guy. He’s super hot.

Girl 2: There’s no way you could date him, he’s a fucking wall kid.

Guy 1: Are you gonna play football this summer?
Guy 2: Yea, all my friends do it.
Guy 1: you mean all the wall kids.

Girl 1: Goddamn it, all these wall kids are crowding the hall way.

Girl 2: I know!

by Hey, man May 17, 2019

elevator kids

Those species of humans who sit under stair cases or elevators and play Nintendo ds’s or games similar.

Oh look there’s the elevator kids under the stairs again

by bradster65 September 21, 2019

stray kids

idiotic fruitbowls who somehow have good music and personalities

"jeogiyo noona hokshi namja chingu isseoyo?" -- han jisung of stray kids

by yuhw February 16, 2021