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Text Tease

Someone who continuously sends sexual innuendoes but has no follow through.

Dawn & Tracey text tease to Stan:

Do you want us to toss your salad tonight?

by Text Teaser May 17, 2009

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Poop Text

Composing a text message whilst sitting on the toilet

Mr. X goes to the toilet every day at 9.38am. He then proceeds to poop text for the next fourteen and a half minutes.

by Bog Watcher February 11, 2010

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The act or mixing up words and the misuse of contractions when texting which in turn gives the opposite of the meaning you are trying to get across.

Text-lexic- I wouldn't really like to see you tonight

Other- what!!! you DON'T want to see me tonight, fine F-off

Text-lexic - Whoa Whoa sorry I have Text-lexia

by JMR923 May 25, 2010

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gateway texting

Sending a text message that will usually open the gate to further creepy text messages. Usually used post drinking to provoke a late night hook up and/or shenanigins.

(770): Hey gurl whachoo doin
(678): Not much, just chillin
(770): alone? ;)
(678): yeah
(770): damn gurl, i miss you we should bang
(678): agh! i should of known you were gateway texting when you mispelt both girl and what you.
(Phone company mod): the number you have texted is no longer accepting messages from your number.

by hiccup peroni January 3, 2011

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Text Telepathy

Text telepathy is used when you receive a text message that is full of typo's or doesn't make sense. The receiver can usually figure out what the sender meant. Usually mistakes are made when texting because the keypad is too small, auto-fill kicks in, or simply because one's fingers are too big.

girl 1: I got this text message from Charlie which didn't make any sense. He told me to meet him at the molies.

girl 2: Well how did you figure out what he was trying to say?

girl 1: I used my text telepathy and figured he meant to meet him at the movies.

by FASH1976 April 15, 2010

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Analog Texting

Analog texting is a form of the prehistoric act of using a pencil and normal a small notepad to "text" a short but pointless message to a near by individual.

Me: That guy is writing a note and driving
You: Umm...You mean Analog Texting?

by Just.Trey August 28, 2010

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A common occurence that all fast-pace text messengers experience. When in conversation with another, you will send a text before the other has a chance the reply, thus throwing the conversation off track. You will get a text answering a question while you are sending a different text. Thus, simultaneous text messaging.

Bobby: Hey are you picking up the pizza? (6:40)
Bobby: Nevermind I got it. (6:43)
Christine: I thought you had it? (6:43)
Chrisine: Ahh, simul-text

by boi-1-da July 5, 2011

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