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Not Gay

Its not gay if you say NO HOMO, HAVE SOCKS ON, AND its not gay if its with the homies

Kaden:Hey Drake thats gay
Drake:Not gay because its with the Homies nigga

by Drake the big nigga October 14, 2019

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A group in LGBT+ also is an uncreative insult

i love the gays or... your gay go to hell you can see this word getting out of context..

by jayden420 January 6, 2021

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They are usually gay if they are called James, Alfie, Ben, George, Daniel or maybe a Jack. They are usually sucking each other off all the time.

Oh look itโ€™s george and Daniel the gays

by TMT010 June 3, 2020

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a twitter user.

Omg he is so gay

by a_twitter_user December 7, 2021

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your mom

Your mom is gay. Got em!

by MinecraftGod64 July 9, 2019

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ur gay

by u r gay January 22, 2022

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because no girl wants you

because your gay I licked your cock

by Random kid that knows stuff February 7, 2022

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