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molly pearson

to lick your boyfriends asshole x

1: omg did he finally agree to it?
2: yeah! he let me give him a molly pearson!

by hahaletsseewhathappensnow January 11, 2021

Molly Shircliff

She’s short, but likes to date Russians that are 2 feet taller than her. She also likes to hook up with 3 boys in one week when she’s on a break with the Russian. She has an act of being very innocent, but this is not the case. She does not know how to take responsibility for things, because “nothing is her her fault”

Molly shircliff why did you do that” “I’m sorry it’s not my fault

by ohshit1234 November 8, 2019

Molly Mjólk

Molly Mjólk is the definition of a small guy, who doesn't walk it like he talks it.

If a guy talks shit about you, "You're such a Molly Mjólk"

by eNgolaKonta March 31, 2022

Molly Champion

The name Molly Champion is a whole red flag, a combination of the drug Molly and the word Champion. However it is not just a red flag, but the example people use to define a red flag. Be wary of Molly Champion.

"You should stop what you are doing, before you become a Molly Champion!"

"You are acting just like a Molly Champion!"

by MessAroundAndFindOut January 18, 2023

mollie farrell

Noun. Young idiot who frequently tells fibs and is commonly known to cry when watching childish shows.

Guy 1: Did you cry in finding nemo?

Guy 2: No.

Guy 1: I saw you, stop lying you mollie farrell!

by Mollie is a spastic hawk January 7, 2012


Mollie is a right g, will always be up for a laugh, yet can also be highly depressed. Mollie is an amazing friend who only has love for her best friend as they slag everyone else off

Mollie: such a bae

by Hemnclem November 22, 2021


A fine glass of ginger aid

Nice mollie

by Maddie is a testy November 9, 2018