Source Code

Vinyl Orange

if you must, refer to orange vinyl

don't listen to vinyl orange, please.

by Dead-Leg Jimbo January 11, 2006

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Orange Kush

A hybrid whit beer brewed by Northern California's Ale Industries. This is a wheat beer that is brewed with orange peel, coriander, and chamomile.

Pretty girl 1 - "That beer tastes great! What kind is it?"

Pretty girl 2 - "It's Orange Kush, brewed by Ale Industries! It's awesome!"

Pretty girl 1 - "I agree, let's make out!"

by sdmcox September 3, 2010

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Agent Orange

The Kremlin's code-name for their main clandestine operative in the United States.

Reporter: Sir, is Mr. Trump "Agent Orange"

Spicer: No. This is more fake news!

(six hours later)

Trump: (tweeting) Putin thinks it's a great name. The best name. I agree 100% #POTUSSR

by Aspergers_Syndrome May 25, 2017

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orange range

a cool j-rock band it makes songs for the anime naruto.

viva rock,road home,hana

by jono December 23, 2004

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orange swirl

1) The act of a male coming onto their lover's face, then following to punch them in the mouth hard enough to draw blood, the blood and the come mixing, thus becoming 'orange swirl.'

2) A type of chocolate with a creamy, orange flavour fondant centre.

1) That guy gave me an orange swirl and I couldn't eat for a week!

I hated the bitch so I gave her an orange swirl

2) Orange swirl is totally my favourite!

by The Flux Capacitor November 12, 2007

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orange blastaphonoran

the act of ejaculating into a whole in an orange then having a partner eat the orange.

dude last night i gave my girl a orange blastaphonoran

by mpecker_689q February 8, 2010

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Orange Knight

1) A zealot who is obsessed with Donald Trump being this amazing leader, successful businessman and Ladies Man, but then steps up like an orange knight to rescue the honor of Lord Cheeto any time anything comes out in reality that proves otherwise, resulting in a meltdown that involves an excessive amount of failing to use hashtags correctly, memes, profile stalking and spamming dumbshit from Dan BingoBonghole on the twitter.

2) A (typically) white man who knows well the experience of manuel's labor but ignores that in the eyes of their fearless leader they are only peasants that will believe literally anything if the catch phrase reaffirms a bias.

When Donald gets caught hiding having paid for poon again, or that he has repackaged NAFTA as NAFTA but with a different name, or obstructed justice while not grasping what obstruction is. An army of orange knights will come to his rescue on Twitter, blathering incoherently and chocked full of impotent rage.

by BeelzeDerp June 5, 2019

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