Source Code

Wind That Never Dies

Wind That Never Dies:
A short person

Y e s

"Hello, Wind That Never Dies"
"Look! It's Wind That Never Dies."

by Error_Z July 11, 2021

Trolley Wind Chill Factor

The wind-chill factor that one calculates at night as they ride the trolley down to the BART station in San Francisco. People who usually do this are brave for enduring such temperatures and like to place their cold fingers on your neck.

(On the Trolley)
E: Hey, do you want to sit down.

R: No it's ok, I'll just stand.

E: Okay, while you're out there can you calculate the Trolley Wind Chill Factor for me??

R: (stink eye)

by candycrazee October 15, 2011

Himp wind

Skipping in the rain while under an umbrella.

She just came back from a himp wind

by Hypedhero January 25, 2019

wind line

During those times when the sea breeze doesn't come all the way to shore, the "wind line" is the shoreward edge of the sea breeze. At the "wind line" the ocean's surface changes from glassy to rough, and this boundary line can sometimes be seen from shore.

We paddled our sailboards out to the wind line.

by TheFinerDefiner August 11, 2023

Cheeks to the wind

Cheeks to the wind describes the act of a woman going to the toilet outside. Aptly named because of the fact that your butt cheeks are literally exposed to all the elements as you squat in the least ladylike manner.

‘Yo where’s J-Lo?’
‘She’s behind that car, cheeks to the wind
‘Jeez dude it’s snowing

by Candyshaft October 28, 2020