Source Code

Waste of space

When you pack a frog pillow for your vacation

That is a waste of space
you are a waste of space
kill yourself you waste of space

by Edgykod696969696969696969696 December 14, 2017

Waste of space

a foul and oily individual who does nothing but exist and ruin every one's day, case in point, Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption 2.

"Damn, I haven't gotten anything done today. Feeling a lot like a waste of space right now."

"So you feel like Micah Bell right now?"

by arthurs chin scar December 20, 2020

National They Wasted My Time Day

On August 9th it’s “ They wasted my time day. Post someone or multiple people who have wasted your time all these years.

Happy National They Wasted My Time Day “

by yobitchhhass August 2, 2022

waste cook

A garbage man, or someone who works in a garbage or sewage treatment plant.

"Something stinks around here, right Fred?" "Yeah, the waste cooks are baking up a storm in the next building."

by Pet-AM April 18, 2007