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Kanye West

hot as fuck, another form of jesus, he is god
respects and loves his mother, wife, kids and fans
music industry would not be the same without this man

bro that man looks so hot
yeah hes kanye west

bitch is that kanye
no that god

by pani puri enjoyer February 17, 2022

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Kanye west

Kanye west is a crack head and spreads shit that's just BULLSHIT and wants to be famous and is dating Kim Kardashian west but there soon gunna divorce

Jimmy:Hey who is that weird ass guy that tries to succeed in pop culture

Me:Oh Kanye west...

by Jimmy poopy butt May 6, 2019

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Kanye West

A guy who likes fingers in his ass.

Sans: Yes, pinkie, / Index finger, and the thumb / In his ass / 'Til his butthole goes numb.
Papyrus: Sans! Why do you always sing about some guy named Kanye West?

by Pleinair Allaprima December 7, 2018

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Kanye west

1.some autistic rapper who got famous by screaming ye in all of his weird ass songs.2. A conceited douchebag.3.som rapper who thinks heโ€™s a god so he goes by yeezus.4.A motherfuckin gay fish.5.He was once a good rapper but one night he was kidnapped and brainwashed by trump and his gang of republicans so dat one day he will announce to run for president in 2020 and March his weird ass into the White House and give some retarded speech to trump dat makes zero sense.6. A 7 year old kid trapped in a 40 year old dudeโ€™s body and always throw pussy fits in front of paparazzi and always picks fights with them and gets his retarded ass thrown in jail. 7 Acts like a 4 year old when his albums donโ€™t get album of the year award.

Kanye west: I ye dis shit.

Random black dude: bitch wtf nigga.
Kanye west : ye ye ye ye ye yeet on yo face nigga.
Kanye west :I am god nigga.i am fuckin yeezus.
Random black dude: u ainโ€™t no fuckin god nigga get yo dumbass outta here before I rob yo ass nigga.
Kanye west: canโ€™t catch me Iโ€™m a motherfuckin gay fish

by Kanyeโ€™s west is gay January 27, 2019

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West Of Center

A variation of the term "left of center" but FAR more intense. Used to describe people who are clearly mentally unstable, babble on and on about stuff that makes no sense whatsoever, and who view themselves in the most narcissistic way you could possibly imagine.

The first instance of a person being West of Center, was a black celebrity who had a meeting Donald Trump the other day

Jesus Christ, I'm not going near that guy, he's completely west of center!

by Metallicajunkie October 21, 2018

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West Village

An area of dining, dorms and apartments at Towson University it is perhaps the most overrated and bullshit thing this university has to offer. It is supposedly the best place to stay on campus and all the students living there will always try to one up you if you live anywhere else. People have coined west village, โ€œwest privilegeโ€ but in reality there is no privilege in living here apart from the honor of being a dumbass. The truth is this is the worst place to stay on campus because it sucks. You pay thousands of extra dollars to live here just to basically get your own bathroom in your dorm. The dorms are nothing different than anywhere else except the bathroom. You still have to share your bathroom with your roommate. The location is by far the worst of any of the dorm buildings on campus. You have to walk forever to get anywhere on campus. Nothing outside west village is close and that means all the academic buildings, the library, union building, and most dining options. The west village dining hall has also been known to have rats and mice in it too.

โ€œI live in West Village so I have to walk everywhereโ€

by Schneider December 18, 2019

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West Lyon

A Football powerhouse in NorthWest Iowa. With 2 NFL player births from the school. They represent themselves as Wildcats wearing the colors Blue and White. 4 football state championships, 1 men's basketball, and 1 state track championship. The West Lyon Wildcats have an outstanding head coach that goes by the name Jae Rozeboom. West Lyon also has 1 Paralympion to come out of the small town school.

Awe we're playing West Lyon.... better hit the showers early.

by Savage in the deep November 22, 2016

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