Extremely popular manga and anime show, somewhat despised by some american (and japansese) audience, yet still very popular worldwide. The series is the later half of the manga and anime series Dragon Ball. It revolved around Son Goku and his sons/allies in many battles to save earth/the galaxy/the universe. It rose to popularity from cartoon networks largely edited adaptation in the early 2000s. Some people criticize it because of the anime's large amounts of filler, which would slow down the pace of the series dramatically. However, the manga was extremely concise. in fact, 3 anime episodes were sometimes adapted from a single manga issue. Many critics do not understand this, resulting in large amounts of criticizm and hatred. In America it became the first taste of Anime for some people, and therefore can be considered a groundbreaking anime here.
Dragon Ball Z is hated by some people, however, many gripes about the series are superfluous in the face of a well made series.
357๐ 77๐
A Blue Whale's Vagina is so big and deep that 5-6 Men can easily lay down in it, making it the World's next biggest pussy after JZ
Guy: You wanna play chess?
Other guy: No
Guy: You are such a j pussy z
A 2006 Japanese anime spin-off of the original American Show "The Powerpuff Girls". This anime was drawn by the same artists who worked on the Sailor Moon series. The anime is also produced by Cartoon Network, Toei Animation, and Aniplex even though the creator of the original show (Craig McCracken) did not take any part in this.The anime aired in Japan on July 1, 2006 and has yet to come to the U.S. or any other countries for that matter, but Cartoon Network said that the anime will be aired worldwide. The Ocean Group announced that they will dub the anime into English but they are not sure if it's going to make it to american television, or if the voice actors from the original show will voice act for the anime.
Powerpuff Girls Z is a pretty good, for a spin-off of an original show.
100๐ 18๐
a brand of rolling papers, most commonly associated with use in marijuana joints rather than hand-rolled cigarettes
"Yeah, one pack of e-z widers."
Convenience store owner snickers.
"Blazin' tonight?"
"You know it."
148๐ 31๐
When you are sliding out a nice dookie log while simultaneously sipping on a fresh cold Coke Zero.
Man 1: "Hey! Hows it goin!"
Man 2: "I am in the middle of the best Easy C-Z right now. Life is good!"
Man 1: "God I wish I took normal poops and had access to fresh cold Coke Zero!"
Derives from the Haitian Creole (Kreyol) word Zo meaning bone, then came to be used as a form of address simply meaning Haitian that is used amongst youth of Haitian descent in South Florida. Z being short for Zoe and ZB being short for Zoe Boy.
Z: What it do Z.
ZB: Damn ZB, In high school you was the man ZB.
Zoe: Alright, I'm out Zoe.
18๐ 1๐
A great & simple TV show that'll make the average person laugh, smile, cry, and get goosebumps. It's a show where the good guys fail at first, but in the end, ALWAYS beat the bad guys. It's also a show that pisses off people who don't know how to appreciate a simple show that makes lots of people feel good, forget their problems, and believe that good can overcome evil.
Dragon Ball Z
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