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Canadian Flagpatch

An iron-on patch of Canada's National Flag worn on backpacks or cheap jackets by travelling American Tourists, of various ages. It usually is displayed in European cities with red-light districts or easy access to marijauna, or drugs.

This tactic is rather dated and unfortunately displays the Americans ignorance that they have of they of the world around them. This includes affordable world-wide travel and the easy accesiblilty of multi-media, as well as no respecting Canadian that travels abroad wears a Canadian flagpatch.

U.S Tourist 1: Hey, don't forget to iron on my Canadian flagpatch on my backpack before we go to Amsterdam.

U.S. Tourist 2: Oh Yeah! I hear they love Canadians and are really nice to them. I bet we'll score some better stufftoo, if we have bigger patches.

U.S Tourist 1: Yeah! Do they Speak English over there?

by bibliogoddess14 November 11, 2009

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canadian headlock

When someone tries to guilt trip you and you reverse it and put the guilt on them so that they can't pressure you

John tried to give me a guilt trip for not going to the bar with him, so i mentioned how he dropped my party last week, i put him in a canadian headlock

by Haaksan January 22, 2016

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Southern Canadian

Another word for calling a man with black skin a n*gger

Hey look at that southern Canadian stealing my tv

by Saline Rock October 18, 2021

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Canadian Thot

Any woman from the province Alberta who fucks as many people as possible.

Person 1: She's pretty fucking hot man
Person 2: don't do it she's a Canadian Thot
Person 1: oh well i just wanna bust a nut.
Person:2 Alright, dont come to me when you get STD's

by CanadianThot April 16, 2017

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Canadian Dimples

When a Canadian native smiles, one can see the wonders of the northern realms. A true Canadian's smile will provide dimples in the shape of hockey sticks, or possibly the shape of hockey skates. It is one of the seven wonders of the northern world.

Hey look at Carmen! I never knew she was Canadian until she mistakenly took a plastic Bonsi tree as a real one, and when she realized she was on youtube, she had dem Canadian dimples!

by papasmurf69696969 March 10, 2014

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Canadian Winter

The art of storing bodily fluids like blood semen etc. freezing it, flaking it and sprinkling it on your partner

i Canadian wintered my girlfriend

by that one dude that ruins it March 8, 2018

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Canadian gobstopper

When a girl sucks maple syrup off of your balls

The Canadian gobstopper made my balls taste sweet, and feel good.

by the canadian gobstopperer June 7, 2014

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