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Winners Circle

A commonly played college frat boy game in which multiple guys masturbate in a race to slap their jizz on the door with a bullseye painted on it. Anyone to miss the bullseye, and the last person to jizz, mus then slam their penis in the door.

Frat boy 1: Hey guys, lets play The Winners Circle

Frat Boy 2: No man, I still heart from last time. I think I broke it.

by That other guy maan July 22, 2009

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Google circle jerk

A circle jerk that occurs in a Google+ huddle.

Guys, it'll be ok when all of us here at the fraternity move away after graduation, after all, we can still Google circle jerk.

by weyus July 21, 2011

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Ninth Circle Of Hell

The deepest most vile part of Hell. Where Hell has literally frozen over trapping the dead souls in a frozen lake. From the book Dante's Inferno.

The ninth circle of Hell is were the devil himself lives.

by Taylor545 February 25, 2015

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Google Circle Jerk

Self-congratulatory discussions on Google+ where one's reputation as a social media expert is praised by countless wannabes.

Chris Brogan's stream update was quite the Google Circle Jerk last night.

by JDailey July 24, 2011

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Virtual Circle Jerk

Virtual Circle Jerk or V.C.J. for short, is experienced when individuals keep replying all to an email with multiple recipients.

To All Employees,

Please welcome Mike, a new addition to the sales team. Mike has rejoined our team as an Account Executive.


Paul: "Welcome home Mike."
Andy: "Welcome back Mike!"
Greg: "Mike, Call me Buddy."
Harry: "Wow! Welcome back, Mike! Let's chat."
James: "Glad you are back Mike."
Hank: "Hey Mike, this is aaaawesome!"
Jared: "Wow that was quick, Mike!"
Todd: "Mike, Welcome back!"
Dave: "Execellent! Welcome back Mike!"

Brian to the rest of ops: "Quite the Virtual Circle Jerk, I wonder if they'll realize Mike isn't on this email."

by Rural.Juror September 5, 2017

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Discord circle jerk

(made by someone) a Discord server where a group of friends (of that someone) and mutuals, who are dependent on eachothers' company and entertainment, congregate in the same channel of that server, especially after a long day of mental/social labor (school/work).

A$AP Rocky: This is the best Discord circlejerk I've ever been in. Y'all whilin'?

Joe Biden: Yes, we are certainly, wildin' out and you can invite your friends to join our Discord circle jerk!

by GookSoup December 11, 2017

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Whore Circling

When a girl (normally one who is attracted to you) stays within your personal bubble creating an invisible circle known as the "whore circle."

Austin: "Dude Morgan kept getting up on me and stepping on my shoes and was all up in my space!"

Casey: "Oh sounds like she was whore circling you!"

Austin: "Your right, what a whore!"

by nubbymcgeezers May 21, 2010

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