Abouts- Pronounced; A_boots, Bouts, bout.
Abouts is a slang preposition connecting the noun (a place) to the verb (the action) with various interjections of the conjunctive prefix or suffixes added in Western Canadian/American slang.
"Where 'bouts 'ya' at there?"
"You gotta' whereabouts?"
"You figure, you're abouts in a bit?"
"Abouts, how much does that run a guy?"
When somebody says something that doesn't make sense/is illogical, they are talking about snails.
"You think the Earth is flat? You're talking about snails"
A phrase used by people who are absolute morons in life and don't know how to get their shit straight. Usually used by bitch ass 9 year olds in arguments when they want to be tough. (but then sound like a piece of shit) Also commonly used by racists.
"Bro, what's your problem, I didn't do shit"
"cry about it cracker"
After you elect me though... You gotta elect me and then I won't avoid your question... But for now I'm gonna just avoid that one... Because I clearly utilized my governmental power to punish my ideological enemies... I clearly did the thing your questiones whether or not I did...
Hym " 'And we can talk about that... Later... AFTER you give me all the money and the power... THEN I'll tell you how I'm going to use...' That's a quote kind of... I'm paraphrasing... But it DOESN'T really sound like something I would say... I would probably just tell the truth."
dude we dont talk about this shut the fuck up now thanks
we use this word in a non exsistant sentance only dani is worth talking about the drill so thats why we dont talk about the drill
Tge act of sucking another man's dick while you're friend is waiting for you
And now I'm on my way right now sorry my buddy was telling me about court
A way of one saying “in the house” or not in the house. So another way of saying. We don’t have any paper in the house
I don’t know happen to have pipe cleaners knockin' about the gaf
Do you have any batteries knockin’ about the gaf