A bed that makes loud noises from any movement, usually related to when sexual activities take place.
We got caught last night because she has a tattle-tale bed. Her dad hates me now.
Building bunk beds or bunking is a PG term for sexual intercourse that is mum friendly i.e can be spoke freely without the worry of children repeating.
Cece "oh had a good session of building bunk beds last night"
Leah "I had fun bunking last night too!"
A good way to offer that special someone in bed a nice start to their day. This includes; wrapping a freshly cooked pancake around your dong, which will represent the sausage, then applying a little butter and some syrup on top of it with scrambled eggs on your nuts. Before deliverance, you wrap a bath towel around your waist with Special held underneath it before unveiling the surprise.
Hans: Hey honey, I whipped you up a bed and breakfast special for you.
Maria: Oh you're too kind sweetie— hold on, what's that supposed to be in-between the pancake?
Hans: Some man sausage you're about to get, if you know what I mean.
Anything and everything can be applied as the less lewd version of something else.
The Bed Pussy Theorem dictates that a bed is exactly like a pussy whereas the pillow is the clitoris, the mattress is the entire vagina, the blankets are the labia, and you are the newborn.
and im in your twitch chat
omg hes in your bed 😰😰😰😰
haha im in ur twitch chat 👹👹👹
omg lets get married jaredd ✨✨✨👺👺👺
ok wilby scoot 🥺🥺🥺🥺
a surprise of disbelief . Or fuckery
Well shit the bed Matilda did you see that guy stealing that tv!
When 2 persons have to defecate so badly and there’s only 1 bathroom available. The smaller person sits on the others legs on the John.
My friend and I realized we had a huge problem after Taco Bell. So we found our best solution was to make a Hillsdale bunk bed.