The bust of guys who work out to the point where they cannot put their arms down at their sides, bend at the waist, or maintain a normal posture.
Johnny Bravo flaunts his buff bust without shame.
When a person fucks up badly (ie. spilling the bowl, breaking objects that ''pertain HIGH value, dropping his/hers freshly grinded Dime etc.)
Meanwhile at Fort 20
Person 1:yo here, grind this weed and pack a bowl <passes open grinder half full of weed>
Person 2:<reaches but was too stoned to know it was closer than he/she thought> (clang of the grinder hitting the floor)
Person 3:Damn, Busting a Yeps./OR/ fucking up or what?
A really miserable,grumpy,angry looking face
John..hey,look at that fit bird over there! George..are you messing?She's got a face like a busted clam!
When you're doing someone from behind and you pull out and redo their back with enough droplets of semen to be compared to a kindergarten of students. In total the semen should equate to about half a gallon.
So I was banging this girl from behind doing her right and I felt a perfect storm of semen busting through my crotch, and in spur of the moment I busted a kindergarten on her back and weighed her down so much I had to scrape it off with a shovel to free her. RIGHTEOUS!
nutting while walking in a room
Yo I busted walked in the bathroom. It went inside the toilet luckily
Like a sucker punch, but instead of punching, you bust a nut on/in someone
Bro I just sucker busted that bitch
the act of urinating for a man
Hurry up and get to a bathroom, I need to bust a hose.