to have big bucks, 1 billion friends, professional chef skills, and a great laugh.
That guy on the stage is being a real Charles.
A person who has sexually assaulted multiple people.
Brandon: My old friend was a Charles, I don't talk to him anymore
an absolute fucking doughnut and he practices kissing so much his lips are stuck and he loves fnf.
charles: I love fnf so much, like so so much. everyone: we know we know now shut up you doughnut.
A friend, an enemy, a lover....he has all the characteristics of someone you admire. He is kind sweet and comforting and he doesn't mind throwing in a joke here and there. He is compassionate and full of energy, he is a great friend. Although at some points he is annoying, you will never get mad at him. Thank you Charles for being my friend.
I wish I could be friends with Charles.
The name of every king in the Victorian era
dude:why the hell was every king called Charles in the Victorian era?
history teacher: hmmm... good question