A man who has been betrayed by his wife and finds pleasure in watching her be pleasured by other men. If you are described as a Nick or Cuck Safady, your significant other is cheating on you with a different man/woman. This is an old-fashioned word you can find in many Shakespeare plays, though cuckolding is certainly older than Shakespeare and will always exist as long as there are marriages.
Just found out my wife got banged by another dude, I feel like such a Nick (Cuck) Safady.
When another man mows your lawn, with or without your consent. Depriving you of the pleasure of mowing it yourself.
Ben: "Did you have a nice time away Rob?"
Rob: "Yeah, but my neighbour lawn cucked me whilst I was away"
Ben: "Damn, that sucks"
A cuckold that does not conform to gender/societal norms. Identifies with having 0 "parts" and is asexual
My brother Alexander is a Non-Binary Cuck. I'm so happy that he is being his true self. It's extraordinary
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When you are at a friends house, freshly after cucking him with his wife. You go into the pantry and eat the untouched sweets.
"You know when P**** isnt the only thing you get when you cuck, you get cookies too, cuck cookies"
A cat owner obsessed with their cat to the point of self-deprecation.
Typically obsessed with their one-sided relationship to the point of obscenity.
Cat Cucks often demean themselves and the human species in conspicuous failed attempts at comedy related to or in service of cats.
"Haha I'm my cats personal servant he owns me"
"Please stop being a Cat Cuck. Don't do that in public."
A person who watches while two people cuddle.
You stand in the closet and be a good cuddle-cuck while we do a cuddle puddle.
a more rad sentence for asking someone if they want to have sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend then asking them to date him/her
Random guy : Down to cuck fam, date me
Random guy 2 : Umm you want me to have sex with your gf or you want to date?
Random guy : Down to cuck fam, date me
Random guy 2: Fuck off