A sassy but classy, larger than life, sexy boy.
Omg that guy is defo a Dave Perry
Dds Dave is one "pimps" in runescape selling his Ho's by night and raping other pimps in pvp.
one of DDs Dave Quotes "I fuked aul ur mumz for 1 penny a pop bitchezzzzzzzz"
The coolest dad ever. The legend dave minter is a dad whos a lad.
"Yoooo your dads a dave minter mann"
"Why that"
"He just gave me a free tv, LEGEND"
What you get if Dave Mustaine's mum snagged a Ford Mustang
I'm gonna call him Dave Mustang
Davee , coolest girl i've ever seen in my entire existence - she's soo cool and friendly!
she loves playing games INFACT SHE'S A PRO GAMER TOO-
whilst being CUTE AND JOYFUL TOO!
Davee is so elegant and I always learn so much from you!
I love davee!!
Shitting yourself while riding a bicycle. Normally very messy.
Dude kyle just did a dave drop infront of his mom.
One who’s socks always have holes in.
“wow that guys socks have a lot of holes in them!”
“he must be a dave furnell!”