the noise made when sarah hits her head on the wall
god sarah is going to get a concussion if she doesn't cease and desist the FAP
Yes this word does mean
Masturbating but sometimes it could be used for shooting something at someone like a gun
Faps .. fake ass pieces of shit.
Hiphop/rap term
big mouth wanna be, hypocritical haters, talk the the talk but can’t walk the walk.
Faps bro fake ass pieces of shit thats all they are..
to tell the truth man i aint go no time for these FAPS and that’s facts..
Fuck them keyboard warriors homie, dont sweat it they just a bunch of FAPS for real
I wonder if FAP is set up by pharmaceuticals so worried parents will be more likely to medicate their children if they don't fit perfectly into the "standard development progress" described.