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American Idiot

This phrase was coined and publicized by the once cool punk band Green Day. Though it is often thought of as the "all-american" republican, it was really given a new meaning by all the followers of the song. Now, the term is more fitting to those who think that Green Day stuck up to "the man" when recording this CD, although they became extremely commercialized, and ultimately conformed to the capatalist society they were singing against. If you don't realize this, and you love the album, you're an american idiot.

So the other day, these hella conservative rednecks came up to my car and wanted to tell me how bringing a republican back into presidency would help us find jesus, so I just cranked up my American Idiot CD in their face and sped off.

Dude, YOU are the American Idiot

by SeaGirl August 31, 2008

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

American Idiot

A shit album that should be paired with 39smoothed-out/slappy hours(or whatever the fuck those are called when packaged together,lol) and packaged and sold together as THE WORST OF GREEN DAY.
Green Day was doing so fucking good and they were maturing so well and then they went and released this piece of childish shit and went totally fucking emo on us.
Man,what the fuck happened to Green Day.They used to be so cool and laid back and best of all non-political.
And why are Green Day now putting out media propaganda and brainwashing people with their music when that is SUPPOSED to be exactly what the fuck they are against???
It's hypocritical and non-sensical to say the least.

American Idiot is one of the very worst Green Day CD's there is.They have alot of good CD that you could buy instead such as:
Those all rock!

by I'm a Badass Motherfucker,Motherfucker! September 30, 2005

30πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

The six idiots

The endearing fan-given name to the comedy troupe from the original Horrible Histories cast because of their overall goofiness and wholesomeness.

(Ben Willbond, Simon Farnaby, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard, Katy Wix and Martha Howe-Douglas)

β€œOmg have you seen that BBC series β€˜Ghosts’ with the six idiots ?”

β€œ Yes! β€˜Its not about the cheese, it’s about the fun!’”

by CodeGrack November 17, 2021

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

idiot speak

1. Moronic variants of common vulgarities, such as friggin', shiot, biotch, etc. (Sometimes incorrectly referred to ghetto slang).

2. Moronic concoctions that pass as language in systems such as "rap ebonics". "Fo' shizzle my nizzle," and all its relative -izzle cognates are idiot speak.

3. Any locution of George W. Bush, or any other Republican.

1. "That friggin' biotch ate my friggin' shiot," said Dellas, referring to her missing homework. After giving her a good beating, the teacher forbade her to use such idiot speak.

2. Snoop Dog regularly uses idiot speak.

3. The State of the Union address for 2003 was nothing but idiot speak.

by Jacon (jay-son) August 24, 2003

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

american idiot

Worst of the Green Day Cd's

i like green day, but not american idiot...

by Kernable February 17, 2006

16πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Your an idiot

The ultimate trump card for any typo-jew.

Secunda: Wow its amazing!
Prima: it's*
Secunda: Your an idiot.

by Killing1541 January 15, 2010

45πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

Useful Idiot

The kind of people who defined this term just like how the term was popularized in the first place: propaganda.

It means someone who follows or supports an ideal or person without knowing what it/they represent(s).

Conservatives, by calling leftists "useful idiots", believe that they think the same way they do, but in reverse.

by userhandlegoeshere December 21, 2020

27πŸ‘ 1278πŸ‘Ž